When is the Torah scroll to be returned to the ark on Rosh Chodesh? Sephardic custom:[1] The Sefer Torah is returned to the Ark only after Uva Letziyon, prior to the half Kaddish recited before Musaf.[2] Ashkenazi custom:[3] The Sefer Torah is returned to the Ark immediately after the Torah […]
From the Rav’s Desk: What to do if forgot to skip in Hallel
Question: [Monday, 1st Elul 5781] During Hallel on Rosh Chodesh I absentmindedly forgot to skip the paragraphs of Lo Lanu and Ahavti, and remembered only after I finished saying the paragraph of Ahavti. What am I supposed to do now? Answer: In such a case you should skip the paragraph […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Giving thanks to Hashem during Shema Koleinu
Question: [Sunday 30th Menachem Av 5781] During the blessing of Shema Koleinu, I am accustomed to Daven for my personal needs and I would like to know if I’m allowed to also use this time during the blessing to give thanks to Hashem, such as if for example something I […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Where to light Shabbos candles if you’re invited as a guest for the Friday night meal
Question: [Thursday, 27th Menachem Av, 5781] We were invited as guests for the Friday night meal to a family that is a bit distanced from our house and we plan on walking there right after candle lighting time and will probably get home very late. My question is regarding where […]
Shabbos urns-Using an electrical urn on Shabbos
May an electric water urn be used for Shabbos?[1] The water is heated based on a thermostat: Some Poskim[2] rule a thermostat based electric water urn may not be used on Shabbos as the amount of water that is in the pot effects when the heat will turn on and […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Shaming liability-Must a shamer pay you compensation
Question: [Wednesday, 27th Menachem Av, 5781] In a public Chassidic gathering a certain individual who evidently had too much to drink and did not like something I said began shouting at me, cursing me, and belittling me with many accusations, and when I tried to calmly defend myself, he went […]
What may a borrower use his borrowed money towards
What may the borrower use the money towards?[1] It is forbidden for the debtor to take the borrowed money and use it for a purpose that is not business related, in a way that the money becomes lost from the lender causing the lender to not have from where to […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Separating Maaser from inheritance money
Question: [Monday, 25th Menachem Av 5781] I recently inherited a sizable sum of money from a deceased relative. Do I have to separate Maaser from the inheritance money? He was an Orthodox Jew and I believe and assume that he already separated Maaser from the funds that he inherited to […]
Greeting people while visiting a cemetery
Greetings and Shalom Aleichem in a cemetery:[1] One may not greet others in a cemetery while [a burial is taking place and] the deceased is in the cemetery.[2] This applies even in a large city.[3] If there is no corpse in the cemetery, it is permitted to greet others if […]
What is one to do if he missed hearing a word in Kerias Hatorah
What is one to do if he missed hearing a word in Kerias Hatorah? *This Halacha deals specifically with the case that the Baal Korei read all the words of the reading but simply an individual member of the congregation did not hear a word or words from the reading […]