Kiddush clubs and the Simchas Torah communal Kiddush-The laws & restrictions in eating before Musaf:[1] It is permitted to eat[2] after the prayer of Shacharis, prior to the prayer of Musaf, all the foods that are permitted to be eaten prior to Mincha once its time has arrived.[3] Thus, one […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Who gets to keep the Mezuzos of a sold home, the buyer or seller?
Question: [Wednesday, 30th Tishrei, 5781] We have recently sold our home to another Jewish couple but have yet to move out and would like to know if we can take our Mezuzos with us. Our Mezuzos are very expensive, and while I did not think about this aspect of the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Throwing in garbage Pits and peels of Shemita products
Question: [Tuesday, 29th Tishrei 5781] Must the peels and pits of a Kedushas Shevi’is product be placed in a special Shemita bag and waited until it rots? For example, lemons are already now treated with Kedushas Shevi’is being that perhaps we follow the time that they are picked from a tree. […]
When in the morning may one begin to put on Tefillin
When in the morning may one begin to put on Tefillin:[1] It is forbidden to put on Tefillin [at night and] even after Alos Hashachar, until the time that majority of people awaken from their sleep.[2] This is defined as the time of morning in which it is light enough […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Geniza to Torah cassette tapes
Question: [Monday 28th Tishrei 5781] We are moving homes and downsizing and thus need to get rid of a lot of extra stuff. Over the years we collected hundreds of cassette tapes of Torah classes which we no longer use due to the advancement of society to digital technology. I […]
Which direction should one face upon sleeping?
Which direction should one face upon sleeping?[1] From North to South:[2] Just as it is forbidden for one to face East or West when having a bowel movement, similarly it is forbidden to sleep facing East or West with one’s wife together in bed, when one has intention to have […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Drying eyeglasses, China plates, and cutlery on a shirt on Shabbos
Drying eyeglasses, China, and cutlery on a shirt on Shabbos Question: [Thursday, 27th Tishrei 5781] If I wet my eyeglasses to clean then, and I don’t have a towel readily available to dry them, may I wipe it dry using my shirt on Shabbos? I have the same question regarding […]
Doing Pesicha when one’s wife is pregnant
Doing Pesicha when one’s wife is pregnant:[1] It is a Segula for easy birth for the husband to endeavor to perform Pesicha and remove the Sefer Torah when his wife enters her ninth[2] month of pregnancy [until she gives birth[3]].[4] [This Segula includes closing the doors of the Aron after […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Building a private Mikveh at home
Question: [Wednesday 23rd Tishrei 5781] I would like to build my own private men’s Mikveh at home to be used by me each morning before Davening, but people have told me that one is not allowed to have a private Mikveh. Can you please clarify this matter for me, as […]
Laws relevant to after the Festival-Summary & Reminders
After Sukkos: A. Isru Chag: The name Isru Chag derives from the verse “Isru Chag Baavosim Ad Karnei Hamizbeiach.” This means to say that this day is to be attached [i.e. Isru] to the Holiday itself, and by doing so the verse considers him to have built an Altar and […]