Names of idols-Saying the names of the weekdays, secular months, and planets which are named after idols: A. The Halachic background: The prohibition against mentioning the name of an idol:[1] It is forbidden to mention the name of an idol or foreign deity.[2] This applies whether there is a need […]
Washing one’s hands after scratching one’s head
Washing one’s hands after scratching one’s head:[1] One who scratches [any area[2] of the hair[3] on] his head [with one’s hands[4]] is required to wash his hands with water[5] one time [immediately] afterwards.[6] [This applies even if one only scratched his head with his pinky.[7]] (However, one who merely placed […]
Parshas Chayeh Sarah- Summary of the Parsha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Parshas Chayeh Sarah Pesukim: 105 [Siman:יהוידע ] Haftorah: Melachim 1 1:1-31 Number of Mitzvos: There are no Positive or Negative commands mentioned in Parshas Chayeh Sarah. Rishon Sarah passes away: Sarah was 127 years old upon her […]
Likkutei Sichos-Parshas Chayeh Sarah -The importance of effort driven accomplishments
Parshas Chayeh Sarah The importance of effort driven accomplishments (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 10 1st Sicha) In this week’s Parsha, Parshas Chayeh Sarah, the purchase of the Mearas Hamachpeila by Avraham for the sake of burying his late wife Sarah is discussed. The negotiations that ensued for the purchase of this […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Saying a blessing when replacing old Mezuzos with new ones
Question: [Thursday 22nd Marcheshvan 5782] I bought a few new expensive Mezuzos to replace some of my old ones which are still kosher. My question is whether I need to say a blessing when I replace the old mezuzos with the new ones. Answer: One who replaces his Mezuzas […]
The law if one did not say Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos
The law if one did not say Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos, and its order when making it up a later day:[1] A. Making it up until Tuesday:[2] The main Mitzvah of Havdalah is for it to be recited at night [on Motzei Shabbos].[3] However, if one did not do so, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Following mourning customs if a relative is reburied
Question: [Wednesday, 21st Marcheshvan, 5782] My sibling is being reburied today from his current resting spot to a grave in Eretz Yisrael. My question is do I, and any of my siblings, and the children of the deceased have to keep any mourning laws as a result? Answer: The act […]
Entering gentile cemeteries -The law for Kohanim and non-Kohanim
Gentile graves and cemeteries-Tumas Meis, Kohanim, Yisraeilim: A. Laws of Tumas Meis-A Kohen coming in contact with Gentile graves, cemeteries, and corpses:[1] Touching the corpse of a gentile:[2] It is forbidden for a Kohen to come into contact with the corpse of a gentile. Tumas Ohel-Entering a cemetery and stepping […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Mourner getting haircut prior to the passing of 3 months if reprimanded
Question: [Tuesday, 20th Marcheshvan 5782] I have just entered my third month in mourning for the loss of my father, and after Davening an individual came over to me and told me I should get a haircut as my hair looks really long and unkempt. May I get a haircut, […]
How to remove Tzitzis from a Tallis-Knife, teeth, or undoing braid
How to remove the Tzitzis from a Tallis:[1] In those cases in which it is permitted to remove Kosher Tzitzis from the Tallis, one is to untie the Tzitzis rather than cut them or tear them, and cause them to become invalid.[2] [If, however, the strings are not Kosher then […]