Question: [Thursday 21st Kisleiv 5782] I know that women are accustomed to not do work during the first half-hour the candles are lit. My question is if this applies even against frying Latkes to give out to the family while they sit around the Chanukah candles? Answer: It is […]
Where in the home/property should the Menorah be lit-inside or outside the home?
Where in the home/property should the Menorah be lit- Inside the house versus outside the house? A. The letter of the law:[1] The candles are to be lit outside the front door of one’s house, which opens towards the public.[2] [This only applies if there is no courtyard in the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Not to hold grudges forever-if you feel hurt by someone, express yourself and give chance for closure and peace
Question: [Wednesday, 20th Kisleiv, 5782] Somebody said something to me the other day in Shul, within ears reach of other people, which I was deeply offended by. I know that he probably did not intend to offend me, and he may have had good intentions, but the way it came […]
The Rebbe’s directives to learn Torah Or-Likkutei Torah
In honor of Yud Tes Kisleiv,, is offering a 30% discount in its English Sefer on Torah Or-Likkutei Torah, using code yudtes30. The following article was published today in the Daily Halacha podcast of in honor of Yud Tes Kisleiv. You can sign up to receive the daily […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The law if a Mezuzah was placed upside down
Question: [Tuesday, 19th Kisleiv 5782] I just noticed that one of my Mezuzahs were upside down. I don’t know how this happened, but I must’ve absentmindedly put it in the wrong way into the case and only noticed now when I was looking for where the shin was, and saw […]
The Halachic obligation to celebrate the day of a miracle Chanukah and Yud Tes Kisleiv
The Halachic obligation to celebrate the day of a miracle Chanukah and Yud Tes Kisleiv A day in which a miracle occurred is to be commemorated throughout the generations. This celebration is not a mere matter of thanks but according to some Poskim carries with it a Biblical obligation. There […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Lifting one’s foot to itch one’s leg in middle of Shemoneh Esrei
Question: [Monday 18th Kisleiv 5782] If I have an itch by my ankle in middle of Shemoneh Esrei, may I lift my other leg in order to itch it with my shoe and the like? Answer: If the itch is really bothering you, then you may use your foot […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Saying the Kaddish Derabanon before Hodu
Question: [Sunday, 17th Kisleiv, 5782] May or should a Chazan who is a non-mourner recite the Kaddish before Hodu if there is no Avel in the room? Does this apply even if both his parents are still alive? Answer: Yes, even a Chazan whose parents are both alive may, and […]
The Chabad custom of 4×4 Batim of Tefillin-Background
The measurement of the Batim-Understanding the 4×4 Chabad Batim:[1] Letter of law: The length and width of the Batim [i.e. Ketzitza] do not have any [minimum or maximum] size.[2] [Nonetheless, one cannot make them too big that they won’t rest on the head properly, and may also not make them […]
Parshas Vayishlach-Summary of Parsha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Parshas Vayishlach Pesukim: 154 [Siman: קליטה] Haftorah: Ovadia 1:1-21 Number of Mitzvos: There is a total of One Mitzvah in Parshas Vayishlach; Zero positive command and One negative commands. The following are the commands in the order […]