Question: [Sunday, 22nd Teves, 5782] I know that the widespread Chabad custom is to avoid saying blessings aloud when there are other people around due to that it can accidentally cause others to fulfill their obligation of the blessing. I was wondering if this likewise applies to the morning blessing […]
Reciting Parshas Hakeida and Parshas Haman daily
1. Reciting Parshas HaAkeida daily:[1] It is proper[2] to say every day the paragraph in the Torah which discusses the sacrificing of Yitzchak [i.e. Akeidas Yitzchak]. The reason for its recital:[3] It is said in order to remind [G-d[4]] of the merits of our Forefathers, [and also to motivate oneself […]
Parshas Shemos-Summary of the Parsha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Parshas Shemos Pesukim:124 [Siman:ויקח ] Haftorah:[1] Yeshayahu 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23 Number of Mitzvos: There are no Positive or Negative commands mentioned in Parshas Shemos. Rishon The family of Yaakov who arrived in Egypt: These are the names of […]
Parshas Shemos-Likkutei Sichos-The definition of Bitachon-Faith or wishful thinking
Parshas Shemos Bitachon-Trust versus wishful thinking-Understanding its true Avoda and what it can accomplish (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36 Sicha 1) In this week’s Parsha, Parshas Shemos, we learn of Moshe Rabbeinu and his efforts to help the Jewish people. Scripture tells us that one day Moshe went out to the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is whistling permitted and is it considered the ways of Gentiles?
Question: [Thursday, 19th Teves 5781] I have heard many times that whistling is a Gentile custom and therefore one should not whistle. Recently someone also told me that according to the Zohar whistling draws down many evil spirits and therefore is forbidden to be done. Can you please clarify the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When is a convert to celebrate his birthday?
Question: [Wednesday, 18th Teves, 5782] I am a convert and was recently told by someone that I should not be celebrating my birthday and birthday customs on my actual birthday but rather on the day that I converted. Is this correct? Answer: Indeed, the Rebbe was addressed this very […]
Walking or standing between two dogs, two palm trees, two pigs, and two snakes, or two people walking with them in between
Walking or standing between two dogs, two palm trees, two pigs, and two snakes, or two people walking or standing with them in between:[1] [The Talmud[2] lists a number of “in between” walking or standing restrictions, in which one may not allow a certain item to be between two people […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Learning Torah when Nittel falls on Friday night
Question: [Tuesday, 17th Teves 5782] Does the custom of not learning Torah on the night of Nittel apply also this year when the night of the 25th of December falls on Friday night? If it does, then what do we do by the Shabbos table and may a Devar Torah […]
Using same knife sharpener for meat and dairy knives
Using the same Knife sharpener for meat and dairy knifes:[1] It is permitted to use the same knife sharpener for sharpening both dairy, meat and Pareve knives.[2] This applies whether the sharpener is made of metal, stone, and applies to both a hand and electric sharpener. Prior to sharpening the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: One who had a dream of a Sefer Torah falling to the ground
Question: [Monday 16th Teves 5782] I had a very strange dream on Friday night, by Shabbos Hanukkah. In my dream I dreamt about the three Sifrei Torah being brought out, and that I was given the second Sefer Torah to hold. The third one was given to another individual and […]