Nefilas Apayim in an area without a Sefer Torah:[1] A. The general law:[2] Some[3] [i.e. Ashkenazim[4], and some Sephardim[5]] are accustomed to only perform Nefilas Apayim [i.e. the resting of one’s face towards one’s arm] in an area that contains a Torah scroll.[6] [If the area contains a Torah scroll, […]
Parshas Terumah-Summary of the Parsha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Parshas Terumah Pesukim: 96 [Siman: יעיו] Haftorah: Melachim 1 5:26-6:13 Number of Mitzvos: There are Three Mitzvos in Parshas Terumah. Two positive commands and One negative command. A. Positive commands: 1. Mitzvah 95/Positive 38: To build […]
Likkutei Sichos-Parshas Teruma-Building a Temple for G-d in your community and home
Parshas Teruma Building a Temple for G-d in your community and home (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36 Sicha 1) In Parshas Teruma, we are commanded with the great Mitzvah of building a Temple for G-d. At first this command was fulfilled in the desert through building the Mishkan, tabernacle, in the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Taking a Covid test on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 2nd Adar 1, 5782] Am I allowed to take a home Covid test on Shabbos to see if I am sick and to determine as to whether I can go out or need to be in isolation? The test involves placing a Q-tip into my mouth and nostril, […]
Breast feeding on Shabbos-Part 3-May a woman pump milk to bottle feed her baby if she can’t breast-feed him
May a woman pump milk to bottle feed her baby if she can’t breast-feed him?[1] If a child is unable to breast-feed, such as if he is a preemie and cannot nurse, or if the child is sick or weak, or cannot nurse any other reason, and during the week […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How long does it take to get a verdict from a Beis Din?
Question: [Wednesday, 1st Adar 1, 5782] I have a monetary claim against my employer, and he is refusing to comply with my claims, and says that he is more than willing to go with me to a Beis Din and have them decide. I would like to know how long […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Migdal versus Magdil in Bentching of Rosh Chodesh
Question: [Tuesday, 23rd Shevat 5782] On Rosh Chodesh, is one to recite Magdil or Migdal in Bentching? I would appreciate if you can elaborate also on the meaning behind this change of wording and why it is done on specific days? Answer: When reciting Birchas Hamazon on Rosh Chodesh, one […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Do coffee beans need to have a Hashgacha?
Question: [Monday 29th Shevat 5782] Do coffee beans need to have a Hashgacha? I found an online coffee company that ships coffee beans, and I would like to know if I can order them even though it does not have a Hashgacha. They are unflavored, regular coffee beans. Answer: […]
Mayim Shenisgalu-May one drink liquids that were left uncovered overnight
Mayim Shenisgalu-Liquids that were left uncovered:[1] The letter of the law: Liquids that were left uncovered [without supervision[2], for even a very short amount of time[3]] were forbidden by the Sages to be consumed [or used[4]] due to worry that perhaps a snake entered venom into the liquid [and one […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Sleeping on backpack with Tefillin inside while camping
Question: [Sunday, 28th Shevat, 5782] We recently went on a camping trip and had to sleep in tents. We used our backpacks as a pillow to rest our heads on while sleeping in our sleeping bags on the ground, and I wanted to know if there’s an issue with doing […]