This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 17. Sponges and other cleaning and itching materials?[1] Designated for use during the week: One may not rub with a vessel that is designated for rubbing with during the week, unless one’s hands or feet are dirty with mud […]
16. Washing one’s hands in salt or soap
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 16. Washing one’s hands in salt or soap:[1] It is forbidden to wash one’s hands in salt and certainly with soap or other fats. The reason for this is: because [the material] dissolves in ones hand and is as […]
15. Washing oneself with liquid that also contains hair removal liquid on Shabbos
15. Washing oneself with liquid that also contains hair removal liquid on Shabbos:[1] It is permitted to wash ones face, hands and feet with liquids that do not remove hair which are mixed with hair removal substances so long as the majority of the mixture is not made up of […]
14. Treating stomach pains with a vessel of hot water
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 14. Treating stomach pains with a vessel of hot water:[1] A large amount of water: One who has a stomach pains is forbidden to place on his stomach a vessel that has hot water. The reason for this is:[2] […]
13. Warming up one’s wet body near a fire
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 13. Warming up one’s wet body near a fire:[1] Pouring cold water on one’s body and heating it near a fire:[2] A person may not rinse his entire body in cold water and heat himself opposite a fire because […]
12. Perspiring on Shabbos in a bathhouse
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 12. Perspiring on Shabbos in a bathhouse:[1] Entering a steam room: The Sages forbade one to enter a bathhouse even in order to merely perspire [one’s body]. The reason for this is:[2] due to the transgressors who would bathe […]
11. Splashing twigs away while in a body of water
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 11. Splashing twigs away while in a body of water:[1] The rule: It is forbidden for a person in a river to splash an item away from oneself or towards oneself. The reason for this is because:[2] doing so […]
10. Swimming on Shabbos
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 10. Swimming on Shabbos:[1] Introduction: Although bathing in cold water is customarily forbidden on Shabbos, as explained in the previous Halachos, nevertheless it may be done in certain scenarios, such as for the sake of Mikveh, or to relieve […]
9. The prohibition of squeezing liquid from hair on Shabbos
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 9. The prohibition of squeezing liquid from hair on Shabbos:[1] Every bather needs to beware not to squeeze his hair. The Reason: Now, although there is no applicable [Biblical] prohibition of squeezing hair[2] being that hair is hard and […]
8. The allowance to dry oneself on Shabbos
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 8. The allowance to dry oneself on Shabbos:[1] One who washes his face hands and feet in hot water which was heated from before Shabbos, or even [one] who bathes his entire body in the Tiberius springs, or in […]