4. Dismantling a roofing on Shabbos

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 4. Dismantling a roofing on Shabbos: The rule:[1] Any tent which is allowed to be mantled and [thus] does not involve [the] building [prohibition], then it likewise does not involve [the] destroying [prohibition] and is [thus] permitted to be […]

3. Mantling a tented roofing on Shabbos

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 3. Mantling a tented roofing on Shabbos:[1] A. The law:[2] Biblical-If it has a handbreadths width on its top:[3] [Regarding] a tent which is angled, if it has on its top a consecutive[4] roof the width of one handbreadth […]

0. Introduction to Laws of Ohel

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here The following chapter will discuss the laws of setting up dividers and roofing on Shabbos. Roofing is defined as any item which hovers over a surface, such as an umbrella, or a tent, or a table. The problem involved […]

Practical Q&A on Kneading

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here Practical Q&A May one make instant foods through mixing water and a powder together, such as instant mashed potatoes/porridge/rice?[1] All instant food powders such as mashed potato mix, and the like, which are only edible when mixed with water […]

6. Kneading course flour for animal fodder

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 6. Kneading course flour for animal fodder:[1] A. First Opinion: Biblically: It was already explained in chapter 321 [Halacha 16] that coarse grain is not a knead-able product and if it is kneaded on Shabbos there are opinions which […]