Are women obligated in Havdala?[1] Women are obligated to hear Havdala.[2] They can either fulfill their obligation through listening to the Havdala of another person, or through saying it themselves[3], just as is the law by men. Repeating Havdala for women: A person [whether man or woman] which has already […]
Saying Havdala and having someone else drink
May one say Havdala and have another person drink the wine?[1] It is permitted for one to say Havdala over wine and have someone else who listened to the blessing, drink a Revius[2] of the wine.[3] Giving the wine to drink to a woman: It is best not to give […]
Traveling on Motzei Shabbos:[1] One is to avoid flying from Israel on Motzei Shabbos being that the preparations for the flight are usually done by Jews on Shabbos. The same applies for flying Motzei Shabbos using El Al from any destination in the world. [1] See Kfar Chabad 398 […]
Repeating for others
Being Yotzei others Havdala if one already heard Havdala:[1] If one already fulfilled his obligation of Havdala he may not repeat Havdala to fulfill the obligation for other adults, [unless they are unable to say the blessings themselves[2]]. One may however repeat the blessing of Havdala to fulfill the obligation […]
Krias Shema
Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita:[1] On Motzei Shabbos, Tachanun is omitted from Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita[2] when reciting it prior to midnight.[3] When reciting it past midnight Tachanun is recited. [1] Shaareiy Teshuvah 300/1; Shaareiy Halacha Uminhag 1/125 [2] Regarding reciting Yosheiv Beseiser in Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita on Motzei Shabbos, […]
Hearing in shul
Havdala in Shul:[1] It is accustomed to say Havdala in Shul over wine in order to be Yotzei those which do not have wine at home to say Havdala over. [If no one is being Yotzei with this Havdala, it is not to be recited.[2]] Who should drink the wine? […]
Not to get angry
Not to get angry on Motzei Shabbos:[1] One is to be extremely beware from strife and anger with his household on Motzei Shabbos as the Satan attempts at this time to stir friction between people, just as he does on Erev Shabbos. His motif for doing so is because after […]
Being Yotzei Havdala from a different area:
Being Yotzei Havdala from a different area:[1] If one made Havdala in his home and one’s neighbor heard the Havdala from him while he was his inside his own house [i.e. the neighbor’s house], he fulfills his obligation.[2] The neighbor may even drink wine on the basis of the blessing […]
Dealing with money
Giving charity and spending money on Motzei Shabbos:[1] It is our custom to avoid giving money or buy items on Motzei Shabbos, as doing so gives nurture to the Kelipas.[2] It is however permitted to distribute charity on Motzei Shabbos, as by doing so there is no better way to […]
Hearing Havdala from another person
Having in mind to be Yotzei: One who desires to fulfill his obligation through hearing someone else’s Havdala must have in mind to do so. The person saying Havdala must likewise have in mind to fulfill the obligation for the listeners.[1] If one heard Havdala without any particular intent[2] then […]