Gluing things together:[1] One who attaches papers or skins with glue of the scribes and the like is [doing] an offshoot of the sewing [prohibition] and is liable. Summary: It is forbidden to glue items together on Shabbos. Q&A May one use scotch tape on Shabbos to tape […]
Pulling a thread
Pulling a thread to tighten the connection between the parts of clothing:[1] A clothing which was sturdily sewed and its thread was left sticking out[2], and two parts of the clothing slightly split apart from each other with the threads of the sewing sticking out, then if one pulls the […]
Removing hair or nails
Removing one’s hair and nails:[1] The general rules: Cutting one’s hair or nails with a vessel: If one cuts his hair or nails with a vessel he is liable. By hair he is liable even if he only cuts two hairs. If he cut only one hair he is exempt […]
The Sewing prohibition
The Biblical prohibition-Sewing a stable set of stitches:[1] One who sews two stitches and [makes] a knot [at its end], or three stitches even if he does not make a knot [at its end] is liable [to bring a sin offering]. However [one who sews] two stitches and does not […]
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here The laws of Gozeiz-Shearing Removing hair, skin, and nails 1. The Av Melacha-Shearing wool from skin:[1] One who shears hair or wool from a living or dead animal, whether the animal is domestic or wild, or even [if he […]
Practical Q&A
May one read announcements placed on a bulletin board?[1] Those announcements which do not deal with matters of business, or mourning may be read. May a list which one wrote before Shabbos be read on Shabbos?[2] [If they do not involve words of Torah] then they may not be […]
A cookbook
May one read a cookbook?[1] It is permitted to read it for mere enjoyment, as it is common for women to enjoy reading different ideas of recipes.[2] However it is forbidden to be read as a preparation for preparing a meal in the coming days.[3] [1] Beir Moshe 6/67 [2] […]
May one read a newspaper?[1] Newspapers which contain matters relating to business, economy, and advertisements, are forbidden to be read, even with intent to read only the non-business related sections and articles, being that it is very difficult for one to prevent oneself from reading the other sections.[2] However there […]
Forbidden writings muktzah?
Are writings which are forbidden to be read on Shabbos Muktzah?[1] One is particular about the writing: Any writing which is forbidden for one to read on Shabbos, is [Muktzah Machmas Gufo and is hence] forbidden to be moved if it is of importance in one’s eyes, and he is […]
Reading Books
A. History books and novels:[1] Similarly [history] books of wars (and the history of gentile kings) and parables and metaphors regarding mundane talk, such as the book Emanuel, and it goes without saying books of romance are forbidden to be read on Shabbos. Even to read them in one’s mind […]