Belief in Techiyas Hameisim based on Scripture: Any Jew who does not believe that the basis of Techias Hameisim is found in the Torah is considered a Heretic.[1] This means that even if one believes that the resurrection will occur, but denies that this belief is hinted in the […]
Ishto Bair-Permitting Yichud on the grounds that one’s wife is in the city
Ishto Bair-Permitting Yichud on the grounds that one’s wife is in the city:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that having one’s wife in the same city never permits a state of Yichud irrelevant of circumstance, and only when one’s wife is in the room does it permit Yichud with another woman. Other […]
Baalah Bair-Yichud when the Husband is in city:
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now Yichud laws for wife when husband is out of the house but in town Your husband is at work and you would like to call the handyman to fix your ever-breaking cabinets. A male cousin or an uncle of yours […]
Children breaking Yichud-At what ages can a child serve as a Shomer for the purpose of breaking Yichud?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on At what ages can a child serve as a Shomer for the purpose of breaking Yichud?[1] Yichud between a man and woman is permitted in a case that a Shomer is present. Children that are of the age to understand […]
Yichud by children: Do the laws of Yichud apply towards children? May a male and female child who are not siblings be alone together?
Do the laws of Yichud apply towards children? May a male and female child who are not siblings be alone together?[1] Example: May a mother go shopping if two cousins of the opposite gender are left alone at home, and both are below the age of Mitzvos? From the letter […]
When is Sheva Brachos counted from
When is the first day of Sheva Brachos counted from?[1] The first day of Sheva Brachos is counted from the day that the Chupa took place.[2] This applies even though the wedding meal will only take place that night, nevertheless the first day is counted as the day of the […]
Invitations in Ksav Ashuris
May one write or print invitations in Kesav Ashuris? One is not to do so.[1] One may however write the words in boxed letters, as stated above. [1] Igros Kodesh 12/228; See also 9/106 Bookmark
The wedding day
May a Chasan and Kallah cut their nails on Thursday if their wedding is taking place that night? If they did not cut the nails beforehand and will be unable to cut the nails on Thursday night, they may be cut on Thursday. Bookmark
Buying and wearing new clothing
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer New clothing:[1] It is forbidden for a mourner to wear new clothing.[2] From the letter of this applies only during the week of Shiva, however the world is accustomed to be stringent throughout the 12 months of mourning.[3] [This prohibition applies only […]
Getting a haircut during Aveilus
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Haircut during year of Aveilus:[1] One who is in mourning for a relative other than his parent may cut his hair after the conclusion of Shloshim. However, one who is in mourning for his father or mother may not take a haircut […]