When is Sheva Brachos counted from

When is the first day of Sheva Brachos counted from?[1] The first day of Sheva Brachos is counted from the day that the Chupa took place.[2] This applies even though the wedding meal will only take place that night, nevertheless the first day is counted as the day of the […]

The wedding day

May a Chasan and Kallah cut their nails on Thursday if their wedding is taking place that night? If they did not cut the nails beforehand and will be unable to cut the nails on Thursday night, they may be cut on Thursday. Bookmark

Buying and wearing new clothing

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer New clothing:[1] It is forbidden for a mourner to wear new clothing.[2] From the letter of this applies only during the week of Shiva, however the world is accustomed to be stringent throughout the 12 months of mourning.[3] [This prohibition applies only […]

Getting a haircut during Aveilus

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Haircut during year of Aveilus:[1] One who is in mourning for a relative other than his parent may cut his hair after the conclusion of Shloshim. However, one who is in mourning for his father or mother may not take a haircut […]