17. Blowing without a minyan

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com 17. Blowing without a Minyan:[1] Hearing Shofar with a Minyan/group versus blowing for oneself:[2]  Whenever there is a group of people who need to hear Shofar, it is proper for one person to blow on behalf of everyone else, […]

13. Silence throughout the Shofar blowing

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com 13. Silence throughout the Shofar blowing:[1] During the actual blowing of the Shofar, whether of Meyushav [i.e. before Musaf] or Meumad [i.e. during Musaf], it is forbidden for one to [make any noise even[2] to] spit, as one must […]

11. The Blessings of Shofar

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com 11. The Blessings: A. The Nussach of the Bracha:[1] Prior to blowing the Shofar one recites the following blessing while standing: “ברוך ….אקב”ו לשמוע קול שופר” [“Baruch… Leshmoa Kol Shofar”].[2] If one mistakenly recited “Letkoa Beshofar” or “Al Tekias […]

10. Covering the Shofaros

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com 10. Covering the Shofaros:[1] It is customary to cover the Shofaros prior to saying the blessings.[2] [Some[3] write that the mouth of the Shofar however remains revealed. The Chabad Rebbe’s had a special order with regards to the coverings […]

9. The Makri

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com 9. The Makri:[1] What is the job of the Makri?[2] It is customary to have a person [i.e. Makri] utter the name of each and every blow to the Baal Tokeia [i.e. the person blowing the Shofar] prior to […]