
The law of the Tiyomes:[1] What is the Tiyomes? Special attention must be given to the middle upper leaf of the Lulav called the Tiyomes. The Tiyomes is the middle upper most leaf which extends from the spine. It grows in the center of the Lulav and is considered the […]

When to buy

When to buy a set of Lulav and Esrog: Some[1] write that one is to try to purchase a set of Daled Minim during Aseres Yimei Teshuvah in order to add in merits for the day of Yom Kippur and have these merits overturn the judgment. Others[2] however write that […]

A Split leaf

A split leaf:[1] The growth of the Lulav leaf: The leaves of the Lulav grow in a pair of two leaves which are parallel to each other. The two leaves are attached to each other by their back and open in their front. If the leaves of the Lulav split: […]

Shaking in Jerusalem

Is the shaking of Daled Minim in Jerusalem during exile a Biblical or Rabbinical obligation throughout all seven days? Some Poskim[1] rule that according to some Rishonim[2] the shaking of Daled Minim in the old city of Jerusalem is a Biblical obligation for all seven days of the festival. Due […]

Leaves bound together

Must the leaves be bound together:[1]    It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to purchase a Lulav which its leaves have not separated at all from the spine[2] and are thus completely bound.[3] If the leaves began hardening and separating from the spine, it is valid so long as the […]


Hadar:[1] The Torah states that the Esrog must be Hadar which means beautiful in appearance and growth. This applies likewise to all four species, as the command of all four species are written in the same verse, hence juxtaposing them together and creating a legal bridge to transfer laws from […]

How many leaves

How many leaves must cover the spine of the Lulav?[1] How the leaves of the Lulav grow: The Lulav contains a spine which is covered with leaves that grow at a distance of every four centimeters. Thus after the first leaf grows on the spine another leaf grows 4 centimeter […]

Every person own set

Every person is to have his own set of Daled Minim:[1] Every person is to have his own set of Daled Minim. Charity organizations are to insure that every person can have his own set of Daled Minim and be able to build their own Sukkah.   Buying Daled Minim […]


Length:[1]  The length of the spine of the Lulav must be four Tefach. If the Hadassim or Aravos are more than three Tefach than the spine of the Lulav must be at least one Tefach higher than the Hadassim and Aravos. How much is four Tefachim? Some Poskim rule that […]

Showing to Rav

Showing the species to a Rav:  Due to the vast amount of Halachos involved in the kashrus of the four species it is strongly recommended that one show them to a Rav to make sure it fulfills the Halachic requirements, and to verify what level of hiddur it has. Due […]