Kneplach-Rounded tips:[1] Based on the above the top leaves of the Lulav should not have rounded tips known as kneplach. [1] Sefer Haminhagim; See M”B 645/40 and 42 Bookmark
Binding the Lulav
Binding the Lulav:[1] When: The custom is to bind the Lulav on Erev Sukkos inside the Sukkah. [The Rebbe would do so after midday.[2]] Who: Those who are meticulous bind the Lulav themselves. Women and children are not to do so for a man’s Lulav.[3] How: The Chabad custom is […]
A bent Lulav
A bent Lulav:[1] A. Spine is bent:[2] The middle of the spine is bent: If the spine of the Lulav is bent towards its front making it appear like a hunchback, it is not kosher.[3] Similarly if it is bent to its side it is invalid.[4] If the middle of […]
Giving it to a Katan:[1] On the first day of Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael, and the first two days of Sukkos in the Diaspora, one is not to give his personal Daled Minim to any child below the age of 13 for a boy and 12 for a girl, to […]
A Lulav with wrinkles
A Lulav with wrinkles:[1] If the spine contains needles or if the Lulav is wrinkled it is invalid.[2] [1] 645/18 [2] Regarding the definition of wrinkles see Kashrus Daled Minim p. 96 which says if the tips are wrinkled it is invalid. However in Piskeiy Teshuvos 645/12 he argues that […]
Using another persons set
Using another persons Daled Minim: A. First day of Sukkos:[1] On the 1st day of Sukkos [in Eretz Yisrael and the first two days of Sukkos in the Diaspora as will be explained next] one only fulfills his obligation with a set of Daled Minim which he personally owns. Therefore […]
A dry Lulav
A dry Lulav:[1] A Lulav which majority of its leaves have withered, or majority of its spine has withered, to the point it has turned whitish should not be used unless absolutely no other Lulav is available. If it has dried to the point it can be broken by touching […]
A cut leaf
A cut leaf:[1] Tiyomes: Lechatchilah, if the Tiyomes leaf was even partially cut at its top it should not be used. If however no other Lulav is available, then if its majority length is still intact, it may be used with a blessing. If majority of it has been cut, […]
How many of each species
How many of each species is one to take: One may not use for the mitzvah more than 1 Esrog, 1 Lulav, and 2 Aravos. However one may add on to the 3 Hadassim. Various people have been instructed to take 4, 12, 13, or 26 Hadassim, but not 9, […]
Paying for species
Paying for the species after the holiday:[1] One does not need to pay for the four species before Sukkos. [1] Sefer Haminhagim Bookmark