The source

The source for an Esrog:[1] The verse states one is to take a “Peri Eitz Hadar”. The Sages deduced from the superfluous word “tree” that the fruit referred to in the verse contain a tree bark that has the same taste as its fruit, and this is an Esrog, as […]


  The identity of the Hadas:[1] The Torah states that one is to take a Anaf Eitz Avos. This refers to a branch that grows leaves in a chain like braid form which covers most of the branch. This is unlike other branches in which the leaves do not braid […]

Is an Esrog Muktzah

Is an Esrog Muktzah on Shabbos? Esrogim designated as merchandise:[1] If the owner is particular to not use it for any purpose [such as not even to smell] then they are MMC”K.[2] Esrogim of personal use: Esrogim which one has bought for personal use are not Muktza on Shabbos, as […]

Smelling species

11. Smelling the Esrog and Haddasim during Sukkos: One may not smell the Hadassim throughout Sukkos. One is to avoid smelling the Esrogim even on Shabbos.[1]   [1] Seder Birchas Hanehnin 11/8   Bookmark

Carrying on Yom Tov

On Yom Tov may one carry his Daled Minim back home after having used it for the Mitzvah?[1] [It is forbidden for one to carry on Yom Tov in an area without an Eiruv for a non-Yom Tov need.[2]] it is forbidden to carry the Daled Minim in a Reshus […]

Replacing Hadassim & Aravos

Replacing the Hadasim and Aravos on Chol Hamoed: [1] One should replace the Hadassim and Aravos as the days go on in accordance to need.[2] [We are however not particular to switch the Aravos daily, as is the custom of others.[3]] How to replace the Hadasim and Aravos:[4] One is […]

Watering species

Watering the Lulav, Hadassim and Aravos:[1] It is a Mitzvah to keep the Lulav, Hadasim and Aravos fresh and good looking. One is to do so by placing them in a vase of water.[2] It is a Mitzvah to change the waters during Chol Hamoed in order to ensure their […]


Kara:[1] Some are particular to purchase a Lulav with the brownish leaf covering called the Kara.[2] Others are particular not to purchase such a Lulav. [The Rebbe was particular to purchase a Lulav which its top leaves are attached with a brownish leaf called a Kara. [3]]   [1] Oatzer […]

How to shake

How to Bentch Lulav: When: One is to awaken early in the morning to perform the Mitzvah of Daled Minim.[1] One may begin shaking Lulav from sunrise. If one is traveling he may shake Lulav starting from after Alos.[2] Eating prior to shaking:[3] It is forbidden to eat before shaking […]