This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course ________________________________________________________ Introduction: The Sages decreed that in certain mixtures any Issur which will eventually become permitted to be eaten is not nullified. The reason for their decree is because since one […]
Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 101
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course ______________________________________ The law of Chaticha Hareuya Lihiskabed 1. The law of an item which is Charal?[1] The definition of Charal: Charal is an acronym for Chaticha Hareuya Lihiskabed. A piece of […]
Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 100
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course ________________________________________________________ The law of a Berya Introduction: Whenever an Issur falls into Heter one needs to nullify its taste, and if its body cannot be removed then its body likewise must […]
Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 99
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course ________________________________________________________ Introduction: The theme of this chapter is to discuss details of the law mentioned in the previous chapter that an Issur is nullified in 60x. What foods and items in […]
Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 98
Nullifying the taste of an Issur within a Heter food 1. What is the law if a non-Kosher food fell into a pot of Kosher food?[1] If a forbidden food fell into a pot of hot Kosher food then if the Kosher food contains the taste of the forbidden food, […]
Biography of Poskim
Throughout the study of Semicha one becomes acquainted with various names of Sefarim and Poskim. Many students do not have even a basic familiarity of these Sefarim, their authors, and their chronology. An attempt to fully cover the background of these Sefarim and authors would require a thorough essay and […]
Arlah: Fruits of the first three years of a tree is called Arla. Such fruits are forbidden to be eaten or benefited from. Beiyn: The body of an Issur [as opposed to its taste]. Ben Yomo: A vessel that was used with hot Keli Rishon within the past […]
Semicha-Basar Bechalav-Chapter 97-Culmination of the subject of Taaruvos of meat and milk
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here Check out our state of the art Online Basar Bechalav course ________________________________________ Chapter 97 Introduction: This chapter is a continuation and culmination of the subject of Taaruvos of meat and milk. All the possible cases of mixtures, and their subsequent law, have […]
Semicha-Basar Bechalav-Chapter 96-Status of meat, dairy and Issur knives
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here Check out our state of the art Online Basar Bechalav course ________________________________________ Chapter 96 Status of meat, dairy and Issur knives Introduction: This chapter, in continuation of the theme of the previous chapter, deals with the status of Pareve foods that have […]
Semicha-Basar Bechalav-Chapter 95-Used a dairy pot for meat or vice versa-Part 3
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here Check out our state of the art Online Basar Bechalav course ________________________________________ Chapter 95 Used a dairy pot for meat or vice versa-Part 3 Introduction: This chapter, in continuation of the theme of Taaruvos discussed in previous chapters, focuses on the status […]