Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 102

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on   Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course  ________________________________________________________ Introduction: The Sages decreed that in certain mixtures any Issur which will eventually become permitted to be eaten is not nullified. The reason for their decree is because since one […]

Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 101

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on   Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course  ______________________________________ The law of Chaticha Hareuya Lihiskabed 1. The law of an item which is Charal?[1] The definition of Charal: Charal is an acronym for Chaticha Hareuya Lihiskabed. A piece of […]

Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 100

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on   Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course  ________________________________________________________ The law of a Berya Introduction: Whenever an Issur falls into Heter one needs to nullify its taste, and if its body cannot be removed then its body likewise must […]

Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 99

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on   Check out our state of the art Online Taaruvos course  ________________________________________________________ Introduction: The theme of this chapter is to discuss details of the law mentioned in the previous chapter that an Issur is nullified in 60x. What foods and items in […]

Semicha-Taaruvos-Chapter 98

Nullifying the taste of an Issur within a Heter food  1. What is the law if a non-Kosher food fell into a pot of Kosher food?[1] If a forbidden food fell into a pot of hot Kosher food then if the Kosher food contains the taste of the forbidden food, […]

Biography of Poskim

Throughout the study of Semicha one becomes acquainted with various names of Sefarim and Poskim. Many students do not have even a basic familiarity of these Sefarim, their authors, and their chronology. An attempt to fully cover the background of these Sefarim and authors would require a thorough essay and […]


Arlah: Fruits of the first three years of a tree is called Arla. Such fruits are forbidden to be eaten or benefited from.   Beiyn: The body of an Issur [as opposed to its taste].   Ben Yomo: A vessel that was used with hot Keli Rishon within the past […]