Do plastic vessels require Tevila?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule plastic vessels require immersion without a blessing.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule that it does not require immersion.[5] Practically, many are accustomed to not immerse plastic vessels.[6] Others however are accustomed to immerse them without a blessing.[7] [1] See Hakashrus 4/25; Ohel […]
What after blessing to say when in doubt:
What after blessing to say when in doubt: A. In doubt if must say Al Hamichya or Borei Nefashos:[1] Any food in which there is doubt as to whether its after blessing is Meiyn Gimel or Borei Nefashos Rabos, is to be eaten within a meal. If one does not […]
Said wrong after blessing
Said the wrong after blessing: Said Borei Nefashos instead of Mieyn Shalosh/Al Hamichya/Al Hapeiros/Al Hagafen:[1] One who said the after blessing of Borei Nefashos Rabos in place of the after blessing of Meiyn Shalosh [i.e. Al Hamichyah/Al Hapeiros/Al Hagfen] does not fulfil his obligation and is hence obligated to repeat […]
Washing hands for bread/morning if one’s hand is bandaged
May one wash hands for bread with a Band-Aid/bandage?[1] One who has an injury on his hand and a bandage that is covering it, may wash his hands [with a blessing] without removing the bandage[2] if he is unable to remove it due to the pain of the injury.[3] […]
Saying Aramaic parts of Uva Letziyon in silent
Saying the Aramaic verses in silent: The Aramaic part of Kedusha is to be recited privately and not together with another person.[1] It is [thus] not to be recited aloud.[2] [Some Poskim[3] rule that the above requirement to say the Aramaic parts in silent only applies when one is praying […]
The value of a Peruta & How to calculate
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Purchase on Website WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Donate The value of a Peruta & How to calculate?[1] The Peruta was the smallest form of currency in the times of […]
Love of G-d can only acheived if one fears Him
Impossible to have love without fear:[1] Fear of Hashem is the gateway for achieving love of G-d. One who does not have fear of G-d, cannot achieve love, and if he feels love, it is not real and is a fiction of his hearts imagination. Love of Hashem is given […]
The good taste of a food is source of energy
Satiation comes from Taanug:[1] Satiation from food comes from the spiritual power found in the food. This spiritual power is found specifically in the Taanug of the food. This can be vividly seen from the fact that when one eats good tasting food he feels satiated more than one who […]
Stealing the Afikoman
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on May one steal the Afikoman on the night of the Seder? Some[1] communities are accustomed to have the children steal the Afikoman on the night of the Seder and hold it ransom until the father redeems it […]
Stealing with intent to benefit the owner or with intent to return
Stealing with intent to return or as a joke and the like:[1] Stealing for benefit of owner:[2] It is forbidden to steal even if one’s intention is to benefit the owner, to pay him Keifel, being that he knows the owner will not accept the money otherwise [unless he steals and […]