This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here or on Leaving a gentile, or non-religious Jew, alone in one’s home and how it effects the Kashrus of one’s kitchen:[1] *Important note 1-The food in the home: The law below only discusses the issues posed to the kitchen […]
Davening or learning within sight of a daughter, sister or mother who is not fully dressed
May a man Daven or learn within sight of his daughter, sister or mother who is not fully dressed? Adult relatives:[1] The prohibition against a man learning or Davening in view of uncovered areas of a woman’s body, applies even to female relatives. Thus, it is forbidden for a man […]
Until what age may Parents/children see each other unclothed
Until what age may parents see their children of opposite gender unclothed? It is permitted for parents to see their children of the opposite gender unclothed until the child reaches the age or signs of adulthood.[1] Adulthood is defined either by age [i.e. 11 years old for a girl], […]
Buying baby items prior to birth
Check out our Amazon Sefarim Shop * This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Sponsor an Article View Source sheet-For Members Only [Contact us if you need the code]! May one buy items for a child before he is born? It is permitted to […]
May one buy items for a child before he is born?
May one buy items for a child before he is born? Yes. There is no prohibition recorded against doing so. Nevertheless, some have the custom to abstain from doing so due to Ayin Hara. One who did not receive this tradition is not required to follow this custom and may […]
Laws of Tzenius between parents and children
Laws of Tzenius between parents and children Until what age may family members [i.e. parent’s and children] of opposite gender sleep together on the same bed?[1] With clothing:[2] It is permitted for a parent and child of the opposite gender [i.e. mother with son, father with daughter] to sleep together […]
Thinking positive creates a positive reality:
Thinking positive creates a positive reality:[1] We tend to think that our thoughts are meaningless and have no effect on reality. In truth however, our thoughts help shape reality, and influences it to go in the direction of the thought. This is why it is so important to think positive. […]
Couples and relatives showing affection in public
*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Buy on Apple Books Buy on Amazon-Paperback/Kindle eBook Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Donate Public affection: A. Couples showing affection in public:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is forbidden even for a couple to […]
Forgot to separate Challah
Baked Shiur Challah without separating Challah: Baked the entire Shiur Challah whole:[1] If one kneaded a Shiur Challah of dough and forgot to remove Challah from it prior to baking, then if the Shiur Challah dough was baked in its full size without being distributed to smaller portions, one is […]
Severance pay / Pitzuyim
Severance pay-Pitzuyim:[1] A. The letter of the law:[2] There is no Torah requirement to give severance pay to a worker.[3] This applies even if the worker was fired. Nevertheless, according to Halacha, the conditions of payment for labor and employees follow the customs of the area, unless explicitly stated otherwise.[4] […]