Tevilas Keilim-Biblical or Rabbinical

Is Tevilas Keilim a Biblical or Rabbinical command? Some Poskim[1] rule that the Mitzvah of Tevilas Keilim, immersing vessels, is a Biblical obligation.[2] Other Poskim[3] rule the Mitzvah of immersing vessels is a Rabbinical obligation.[4] Practically, we rule like the former opinion, that Tevilas Keilim is a Biblical obligation.[5] Nevertheless, […]

Acharei Mos-Mifarshim & Midrashim

Why did the Torah prohibit marriage/relations with Arayos/relatives? Various reasons are offered in Mefarshim. Some[1] explain relations with relatives were forbidden being that relatives are constantly found in one’s vicinity, and Hashem desires man to diminish his habit of sexual practice. If relations were permitted with relatives, man would often […]

Acharei Mos-Summary of the Parsha

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer    Buy now on Amazon.com Parshas Acharei Mos Pesukim: 80 [Siman: כי כל] Haftorah:[1] Amos 9:7-15 Number of Mitzvos: There are a total of 28 Mitzvos in Parshas Acharei Mos; 2 positive commands and 26 negative commands. The following are the commands […]

Parshas Kedoshim-Summary of the Parsha

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer    Buy now on Amazon.com Parshas Kedoshim Pesukim: 64 [Siman:מי זהב ] Haftorah:[1] Yechezkal 20:2-20 Number of Mitzvos: There are a total of 51 Mitzvos in Parshas Kedoshim; 13 positive commands and 38 negative commands. The following are the commands in the […]

Shabbos Electric urn

May an electric water urn be used for Shabbos?[1] The water is heated based on a thermostat: Some Poskim[2] rule a thermostat based electric water urn may not be used on Shabbos as the amount of water that is in the pot effects when the heat will turn on and […]

Hashem showed Moshe the new moon

Hashem showed Moshe the new moon:[1] The Sages state that Moshe Rabbeinu had difficulty understanding at what stage the new moon is to be sanctified. Hashem therefore showed Moshe through prophecy an image of the new moon and stated “This is what is to be seen and sanctified.”  ________________________________________________ [1] […]

Women Counting Sefiras Haomer

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer To purchase click here or on Amazon.com Women counting Sefiras Haomer:[1] Women are exempt from the Mitzvah of Sefiras HaOmer.[2] [Likewise, based on Kabala, women are not able to fulfill this Mitzvah.[3]] However in certain provinces[4] women have accepted this Mitzvah upon […]