Changing locations in order to run away from the Yetzer Hara:[1] At times, the Yetzer Hara tries to influence a person who is struggling in his spiritual service that the fault is in his location, and if he were to move then the struggles would end. While this may be […]
Emuna that one’s Tefilos have effect
Emuna that one’s Tefilos have effect:[1] The Baal Shem Tov taught that the main aspect of prayer is for one to believe that Hashem fills all the worlds and through his prayer, the Shechina is elevated. He is also to believe that as soon as he verbalizes his request from […]
Importance of friends in one’s spiritual growth
Purchasing a friend for spiritual growth:[1] Having a good friend which one can share his spiritual growth and Torah learning with is very important, and in one aspect is even more important than having a Rav. This can be derived from the Mishneh[2] which states that “One is to make […]
Mentioning the name of idols and foreign deities
Not to mention the name of idols and foreign deities: Giving it a derogatory name:[1] One is required to help eradicate idolatry and give idols and foreign deities a derogatory name. Swearing using its name:[2] One who swears in the name of an idol or foreign deity [transgresses a negative […]
Aliya Laregel-Visiting the Temple on a festival
Aliya Laregel-Visiting the Temple on a festival: The Mitzvah in Temple times:[1] In Temple times, it was a Biblical command for every man to visit the Temple on Yom Tov of the Shalosh Regalim, and bring with them a Karban Olah. This Mitzvah was formally known as the Mitzvah of […]
The Mitzvah of Teshuvah and its purpose
Parshas Naso The Mitzvah of Teshuvah and its purpose [Likkutei Sichos Vol. 37 p. 18] Parshas Naso discusses a number of Mitzvos, some of which are repetitious, having been already discussed in previous Parshiyos. One of these Mitzvos is the command associated with one who sinned against his fellow, […]
Parshas Naso-Likkutei Sichos-The Mitzvah of Teshuvah and its purpose
This Sicha is an excerpt from our Sefer Click here to buy Parshas Naso The Mitzvah of Teshuvah and its purpose [Likkutei Sichos Vol. 37 p. 18] Parshas Naso discusses a number of Mitzvos, some of which are repetitious, having been already discussed in previous Parshiyos. One of these Mitzvos is […]
Checklist & Summary of Halachos for Shavuos
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Shavuos Checklist: The days preceding Shavuos: Valuing time: The Rebbe notes of the Rebbe Rayatz that the period of time during the days preceding Shavuos were utterly precious to him and were hence used wisely. Shabbos Mivarchim […]
Development of Halacha from Sinai to modern times-Lecture 5-Separation between meat and dairy
Aliya Laregel-Visiting the Temple on a festival
* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Aliya Laregel-Visiting the Temple on a festival: The Mitzvah in Temple times:[1] […]