Miben Esrim:[1] The significance of age 20: Our sages teach us that a child is not able to perform real estate sales with his father’s assets until he reaches the age of 20 years old. What is significant about the age of 20 that specifically at that age one becomes […]
Parshas Bamidbar Likkutei Torah Selected Teachings
Parshas Bamidbar[1] 1st Mamar “Vayidaber Hashem El Moshe Lamor” Vayidaber Hashem El Moshe Lamor:[2] Finding emotional individuality in Judaism:[3] The verse in Koheles states, “Noda Bashearim Ba’alah,” which literally means that she knows her husband by the gates. The Alter Rebbe explains this as follows: the term Ba’alah here refers […]
From the Ravs Desk: Latest articles and Q&A
Importance of verbalizing words of Torah and not learning in mere thought The two forms of writing – Ink versus Inscription: The verse states, “Im Bechukosaiy Teileichu/and if you walk in My statutes [then you will receive the following reward].” The use of the term Bechukosai remains to be understood […]
Touching clothing and items [i.e. alarm clock, glasses, etc] before washing hands in the morning
Check out our Amazon Sefarim Shop * This article is an excerpt from the above book WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Sponsor an Article Donate Not to touch one’s clothing; walk 4 cubits; say words of Torah:[1] According to the Talmud and Codifiers one may [walk[2] and] touch his clothing prior […]
Daily Tanach Sunday Sefer Melachim 1 Chapter 17: Eliyahu Hanavi flees from Achav
* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer Buy Now-The Tanach Summary Series Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Chapter 17: Eliyahu Hanavi flees from Achav 1. Eliyahu Hanavi forewarns Achav that there will not be rain: Eliyahu […]
Daily Chumash Parshas Vayishlach Rishon – Yaakov prepares to meet Eisav
*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Rishon Yaakov prepares to meet Eisav: Messengers sent to […]
The need to study all sections of Torah: Tanach, Talmud, Halacha, Agada
The different subjects of Torah each draw a unique Revelation: The purpose of the 365 negative commands is to separate evil from G-d, while the purpose of the 248 positive commands is to draw G-dliness down below. Now just as there exists many different foods with different qualities and tastes […]
There’s no place like home – Finding spiritual fulfillment in Judaisim rather than foreign Meditations
The designated time for a Jew to reach spiritual fulfillment: [Likkutei Torah Bechukosaiy] The designated time for a Jew to expand his love of G-d is during the time of prayer of Shemoneh Esrei and the praises of Pesukei Dezimra which are said prior to it. These prayers include blessings […]
Importance of verbalizing words of Torah and not learning in mere thought
The two forms of writing – Ink versus Inscription: The verse states, “Im Bechukosaiy Teileichu/and if you walk in My statutes [then you will receive the following reward].” The use of the term Bechukosai remains to be understood as our sages state that it does not just refer to any […]
Parshas Bechukosaiy – Likkutei Torah Selected Teachings
Parshas Bechukosaiy[1] 1st Mamar “Im Bechukosaiy Teileichu…” Im Bechukosaiy Teileichu:[2] See Volume 1 of our Chassidishe Parsha Torah Or Series under Parshas Bechukosaiy where we covered this matter of this Mamar in detail. Understanding the Sefirah of Kesser The Kabbalistic connection between Matan Torah and Shavuos Reaching the level of […]