One’s angels learn Torah together with him

When one Davens and Learns his root soul and corresponding angels do so likewise:[1] Rebbe Meir states in Pirkei Avos[2], that if exerted effort in learning Torah, he has a lot of reward awaiting him, while if he nullified himself from Torah learning, he has many that are nullified opposite […]

Standing for Kaddish

Standing for Kaddish and Barchu:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is not necessary [for the listeners] to stand during the recital of Kaddish and Barchu. Other Poskim[3] rule one is required to stand upon answering Kaddish or any Davar Shebekedusha [i.e. a matter that requires a Minyan].[4] Practically, it is proper […]

Haughtiness repels the Shechina

Haughtiness repels the Shechina:[1] The Gemara[2] states that one who is haughty repels the Shechina from dwelling with him. The reason is as follows: The Divine light is infinite and great, and ideally cannot reside or unite with a person. In order to do so, the Divine light must contract […]

Yichud in an elevator

Is Yichud permitted in an elevator?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule the prohibition of Yichud applies in an elevator, and it is therefore forbidden to be alone in an elevator with a woman even for a very short amount of time.[3] Majority of Poskim[4] however rule the prohibition of Yichud does not apply to elevators.[5] […]