All souls need each other

All Jewish souls need each other:[1]  The general souls of the Jewish people are referred to as a leg and at the same time are also referred to as the children of G-d. The reason for this reference of the Jewish people to a leg is to emphasize the incorporation […]

Bayis Malei Sefarim-The positive command to purchase Torah Sefarim

Buy Now WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode  Bayis Malei Sefarim-The Mitzvah of purchasing Torah books:[1] Today [being that writing the oral Torah has become permitted[2]] it is a Mitzvah [and Biblical obligation[3]] to write [publish, and purchase[4]] Chumashim, Mishnah, Gemara and their […]

Desiring G-d alone

Mi Li Bashamayim Veimcha Lo Chafatzti Ba’aretz:[1] The verse states, “Who is to me in the heavens and with you I do not desire.” This verse expresses the deep longing that a Jew has, and that he is meant to have, in which he solely desires that the infinite light […]