13. Mentioning the name of one’s parent

13. Mentioning the name of one’s parent:[1] Upon mentioning one’s parents on the Yahrzeit [or anytime past 12 months from the passing] one is to say “Zichronam Livracha.”[2] There is no difference between a father and mother in this regard.[3] See Chapter 23 Halacha 18! ________________________________ [1] Michaber 240:1; Kiddushin […]

11. Giving charity on day of Yartzite

11. Giving charity: One is to distribute charity on the day of the Yahrzeit.[1] This has the status of a Neder.[2] If the Yahrzeit falls on Shabbos, it is to be distributed before Shabbos.[3] _____________________________________ [1] Mishmeres Shalom Yud 15; Likkutei Sichos 19:132, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:326 “The custom […]