The prayers of Tisha B’av-Part 2

Mincha: Paroches: The Paroches is returned to the Aron prior to Mincha. Charity: Prior to Mincha one is to give Igara Ditaanisa to charity. Tallis and Tefillin: By Mincha, one wears Tallis and Tefillin with a blessing. [One recites all three Parshiyos of Shema while wearing the Tefillin. Those who […]

The prayers of Tisha B’av-Part 2

Mincha: Paroches: The Paroches is returned to the Aron prior to Mincha. Charity: Prior to Mincha one is to give Igara Ditaanisa to charity. Tallis and Tefillin: By Mincha, one wears Tallis and Tefillin with a blessing. [One recites all three Parshiyos of Shema while wearing the Tefillin. Those who […]

The prayers of Tisha B’av-Part 1

The prayers of Tisha B’av-Part 1 Maariv: Removing the Paroches: [Prior to Maariv] one is to remove the Paroches from the Aron. [In some communities, the Paroches is not removed, but rather moved to the side, hence revealing the doors of the Aron. The Chabad custom is to also remove […]