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From the Rav’s Desk: Was the water of the Parah Aduma placed onto the ash or the ash into the water?
Question: [Monday, 8th Tamuz 5783] I heard mentioned in a Shiur on this week’s Parsha that the ash of the red heifer was placed on top of the water that was in the bucket. I was puzzled by this and showed the Rabbi that the verse explicitly states that the […]
Was the water of the Parah Aduma placed onto the ash or the ash into the water?
Question: [Monday, 8th Tamuz 5783] I heard mentioned in a Shiur on this week’s Parsha that the ash of the red heifer was placed on top of the water that was in the bucket. I was puzzled by this and showed the Rabbi that the verse explicitly states that the […]
Halachos pertaining to a Parents [i.e. couples] bedroom
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now! Halachos relating to a married couples bedroom 1. Which direction should the beds face and should one face upon sleeping?[1] From North to South:[2] Just as it is forbidden for one to face East or West when having a bowel […]
Davening Mincha past sunset for the sake of a Minyan
Davening Mincha past sunset:[1] The prayer of Mincha may be recited until evening.[2] It is disputed amongst Poskim as to the definition of “evening.” Some Poskim[3] rule it is permitted [even initially[4]] to Daven Mincha past sunset, up until Tzeis Hakochavim.[5] Other Poskim[6] rule one may not Daven Mincha past […]
Davening Mincha past sunset for the sake of a Minyan
Davening Mincha past sunset:[1] The prayer of Mincha may be recited until evening.[2] It is disputed amongst Poskim as to the definition of “evening.” Some Poskim[3] rule it is permitted [even initially[4]] to Daven Mincha past sunset, up until Tzeis Hakochavim.[5] Other Poskim[6] rule one may not Daven Mincha past […]
The saying of Yehalelu and Hodu Al Eretz when returning the Torah
The saying of Yehalelu and Hodu Al Eretz when returning the Torah: A. The custom: Yehalelu:[1] The verse of Yehalelu[2] is recited by the Chazan when the Sefer Torah is being brought to the Aron. Hodu Al Eretz Veshamayim:[3] After the recital of Yehalelu, the congregation responds with the verse […]
The saying of Yehalelu and Hodu Al Eretz when returning the Torah
The saying of Yehalelu and Hodu Al Eretz when returning the Torah: A. The custom: Yehalelu:[1] The verse of Yehalelu[2] is recited by the Chazan when the Sefer Torah is being brought to the Aron. Hodu Al Eretz Veshamayim:[3] After the recital of Yehalelu, the congregation responds with the […]
The laws associated with a cemetery and visiting of a Kever
The laws associated with a cemetery and visiting of a Kever-Summary Introduction: This chapter will discuss all the details relevant towards grave visiting, including the times that one should and should not go, the people who should and should not go, the behavioral restrictions applicable at a gravesite, the […]
The laws associated with a cemetery and visiting of a Kever
The laws associated with a cemetery and visiting of a Kever-Summary Introduction: This chapter will discuss all the details relevant towards grave visiting, including the times that one should and should not go, the people who should and should not go, the behavioral restrictions applicable at a gravesite, the […]