Daily Tanya Tuesday 18th Adar Chapter 35 Part 3: Even a complete Tzadik feels himself separate from G-d

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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18th Adar

3.      The meaning of the Divine presence residing in a certain item:

  • A revelation of G-d in the item: The meaning of that the Divine presence resides on a certain item means that there is a revelation of G-dliness and infinite light of G-d within that item.
  • The item is completely nullified to G-d: For this to occur, the item must be completely incorporated and nullified in its existence, to G-d, only then can the oneness of G-d reside within it and reveal Himself within it.
  • Lack of nullification to G-d prevents revelation of G-dliness: However, whatever is not completely nullified in its existence to G-d, it is not possible for the light of G-d to shine and be revealed within it.


4.      The reason the Divine presence cannot intrinsically reside on even a complete Tzadik:

  • Even a complete Tzadik feels himself separate from G-d: Even a complete Tzadik who attaches to G-d with great love cannot truly grasp G-d who is beyond comprehension. This refers to His complete unity and that nothing but Him exists. Accordingly, it is not possible for the Tzadik who is a separate existence who loves G-d, and is not a complete nothing, to properly grasp G-d at all.
  • Even a Tzadik needs Mitzvahs to draw the Divine presence below: Thus, the light of G-d does not dwell even on the complete Tzadik unless he fulfills the Mitzvos, which is the will and wisdom of G-d that does not contain any concealment of Him at all.


5.      Gloss-G-d resides in the world of Atzilus through the level of Chochmah which is an abode for His unity:

  • It is explained in the works of Kabbalah, that the infinite light of G-d only unites within the world of Atzilus through first investing itself in the attribute of Chochmah.
  • I heard from my teacher the Maggid of Mezritch that the reason for this is because the true oneness of G-d is that He is the only existence and nothing else exists but Him which is the level of Chochmah.

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