Chazan made mistake in Chazaras Hashatz – What to do

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Chazan made mistake:[1]

If the Chazzan made a mistake in Chazaras Hashatz, then by any mistake that we require a person to repeat Shemoneh Esrei or go back, we also require the Chazan to repeat Chazaras Hashatz, or go back if he remembers in the middle. The one exception to this is if he forgot to recite Yaleh Veyavo on Rosh Chodesh or on Yom Tov, in which we rule that if he already completed his Shemoneh Esrei then he is not to repeat Chazaras Hashatz, and is rather to rely on the Musaf prayer. If, however, he remembered in middle prior to concluding the repetition, then he needs to go back to Ritzei, or the middle blessing of Yom Tov.

Chazan forgot Hamelech Hakadosh: If the Chazan forgot to say Hamelech Hakadosh by Aseres Yimei Teshuvah, then he is required to repeat from the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei, just as is the law for an individual. In such a case Kedusha is to be repeated.

Chazan forgot Aneinu:[2] If the Chazan forgot to say Aneinu in his repetition he has nevertheless fulfilled his obligation. If he remembered prior to reciting Hashem’s name in the blessing of Rifaeinu then he is to go back and recite it and then repeat from Rifaeinu. If he already recited Hashem’s name in the end blessing of Rifaeinu then he may not go back and say it and is rather to recite Aneinu in Shomeia Tefila just like one does by his private Shemoneh Esrei. In such a case he is to recite the end blessing of Aneinu and conclude the blessing of Shomeia Tefila as “Haoneh Bieis Tzarah Veshomeia Tefila.” If one did not recite the end blessing of Aneinu and concluded the blessing of Shomeia Tefila as usual, he has nevertheless fulfilled his obligation of Aneinu. If he forgot to say it within Shomeia Tefila and already recited Hashem’s name in the blessing, then he is to say the entire blessing of Aneinu on its own [immediately] after concluding the blessing of Sim Shalom [prior to saying the first Yehiyu Leratzon].

Chazan accidentally skipped Birchas Kohanim:[3] If the Chazan accidentally skipped Birchas Kohanim and remembered in middle of Sim Shalom, then he is to go back and recite Birchas Kohanim, and then restart again from the beginning of Sim Shalom. This applies both to areas which perform Nesias Kapayim with a Kohen and the Chazan ended up skipping it, and to areas that don’t perform Nesias Kapayim and simply recite Elokeinu in its stead. In areas which perform Nesias Kapayim with a Kohen and the Chazan ended up skipping it, remembering in middle of Sim Shalom, he should go back and have Nesias Kapayim performed and then restart again from Sim Shalom. In areas that don’t perform Nesias Kapayim and simply recite Elokeinu in its stead, then the Chazan is to go back and say Elokeinu and then restart from the beginning of Sim Shalom.

If they remembered after concluding the blessing of Sim Shalom, then in areas that Nesias Kapayim is not performed and simply the paragraph of Elokeinu was skipped, then they fulfill their obligation and do not need to repeat Chazaras Hashatz. In areas that perform Nesias Kapayim, then if they remembered after concluding Sim Shalom, Nesias Kapayim is to be performed without a blessing at that moment.


[1] Admur 126:3; Michaber 123:3; Tur 126:3; Rambam Tefila 10:1 and 12; Ketzos Hashulchan 22:14

[2] Admur 119:5

[3] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 127:3; 128:33

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