Daily Chumash Wednesday – Laws of inheritance

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that the daughters of Tzelafchad are correct and that they are to receive the inheritance from their father.
  1. Laws of inheritance:
    • No son: When a man dies and does not leave a son, the inheritance is to go to the daughter.
    • No daughter: If he does not have a daughter, the inheritance is to go to the deceased’s [father, and if his father is not alive then it is to go to his] brothers.
    • No brother: If he does not have a brother, the inheritance is to go to the deceased’s [grandfather and if his grandfather is not alive then it is to go to his] uncle from his father.
    • No uncle: If he does not have an uncle from his father, the inheritance is to go to his closest relative.

  1. Moshe looks at the land of Israel:
    • Moshe is told by Hashem to ascend Har Havarim and look at the view of Eretz Yisrael. Moshe is told that he will pass away as did Aaron his brother and will not enter Eretz Yisrael due to the sin committed by Mei Meriva.

 Yehoshua is appointed leader after Moshe:

    • Moshe asks Hashem to appoint someone over the Jewish people after his passing, so they are not like sheep without a shepherd. Hashem told Moshe to take Yehoshua Ben Nun and lean his hands on him and appoint him as leader in front of Elazar and in front of all the Jewish people. You shall place your splendor onto him, so that all the Bnei Yisrael will listen to him. Yehoshua shall stand before Elazar the Kohen and ask him through the Urim Vetumim, and according to his reply they shall follow.
    • Moshe did as he was instructed by Hashem and positioned Yehoshua before Elazar the Kohen, and before the entire congregation, and he leaned his hands on him.

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