Wrapping the Tefillin around the forearm – Makor, How, Number of times, Chabad custom

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Wrapping around the forearm:

From the letter of the law, one is not required to wrap the straps around the forearm at all.[1] Nevertheless, the custom is to make seven wrappings around the forearm, between the elbow and hand [prior to wearing the Tefillin Shel Rosh[2]].[3] [The Chabad custom is to wrap the strap six complete times over the forearm and two half times [one between the elbow and forearm and one between the forearm and hand], for a total of seven times.[4] This means that after making the wraps around the bicep one then stretches the strap to the forearm and makes a half circle wrap on the forearm, and then six full circles around the forearm, and then another half circle by the area of the forearm which leads to the wrist. The other half is wrapped over the wrist, in a diagonal fashion. The custom is to make the first two complete wraps in close proximity to each other, and then leave an empty space and make four complete wraps, thus making a division of one set of two straps and a second set of four straps on the forearm.[5] Others, however, are accustomed to make a full seven wraps on the forearm, excluding the half wraps between the elbow and forearm and forearm and hand, and so is the Sephardic custom.[6]]


[1] Admur 27:11, Michaber 27:8, and Rambam Tefillin 2:12 regarding the length of the strap; Admur 25:24 “This binding around the forearm is a mere custom and is not included within the actual Mitzvah”; 27:19 “It is not the main part of the Mitzvah”

[2] See Halacha G below.

[3] Admur 27:12; Siddur Admur [Letter 9 in Raskin]; Michaber 27:8 “6 or 7”; Beis Yosef 27 that the Poskim don’t record how many times; M”A 27:13 in name of Arizal to bind 7 times; Arizal in Shaar Hakavanos Derush Hei [7 times]; Shelah Miseches Chulin; Elya Raba 27:8 in name of Makor Chaim p. 73 that the Arizal would wrap nine times;  See Nagid Mitzvah Tefillin p. 70 [new print] that it corresponds to the seven Naaros; Pirush Haramaz Hakdamas Hazohar p. 262 that it corresponds to the seven Heichalos; See Biur Hagr”a 27:23 based on Menachos 35b; Piskei Harid Tefillin p. 460; Shut Haradbaz 2:623; Shulchan Gavoa 27:24

[4] Gloss in Siddur of Rebbe Rashab in name of his father the Rebbe Maharash; Sefer Haminhagim p. 4; Os Chaim Veshalom 27:10 that so is intent of Michaber who writes 6 or 7 times; Sheim Chadash p. 126, brought in Pesach Hadvir 27:4; Piskeiy Teshuvos 27:17

[5] Rebbe Rashab ibid; Sefer Haminhagim ibid

[6] Ben Ish Chaiy Vayeira 15; Kaf Hachaim 27:13 and 35 based on Peri Eitz Chaim; Sheim Chadash p. 126 in name of Reb Aaron Moshe that the two halves do not join, however he argues on him, brought in Pesach Hadvir 27:4; Eineiy David Likkutei Dinim Mareches Taf 15; Yayain Hatov 1:21; Imrei Pinchas of Rav Pinchas of Koreitz; Sefer Besht on Torah Vaeschanon; Os Chaim Veshalom 27:10 based on Rama 263:1

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