The after blessing-Ate fruits of seven Minim, and Mezonos, and drank wine

The after blessing-Ate fruits of seven Minim, and Mezonos, and drank wine:[1]

One who ate [a Kezayis of] fruits from the seven Minim and ate [a Kezayis of] Mezonos [within Kdei Achilas Peras] and drank [a Revius of] wine is to include all three after blessings in a single blessing of Meiyn Shalosh.

The order and Nussach:[2] He is first to recite Al Hamichya [on the Mezonos] and then Hagefen [on the wine] and then on the fruits.[3] Accordingly, the Nussach is to be said as follows “Al Hamichya, Veal Hakalkala, Ve[4]al Hagefen, Veal Peri Hagefen, Veal Haeitz Veal Peri Haeitz, Veal Tenuvas Hasadeh, Veal Eretz Chemda etc[5] and he is then to conclude “Venodeh Lecha Al Haretz Veal Hmaichya Veal Peri Hagafen, Veal Hapeiros. Baruch Ata Hashem Al Haretz Veal Hamichya Veal Peri Hagafen, ViHapeiros[6].”[7]



Ate fruits of seven Minim, and drank wine:[8]

He is first to recite Hagefen [on the wine] and then on the fruits.[9] Accordingly, the Nussach is to be said as follows “Al Hagefen, Veal Peri Hagefen, Veal Haeitz Veal Peri Haeitz, Veal Tenuvas Hasadeh, Veal Eretz Chemda etc” and he is then to conclude “Venodeh Lecha Al Haretz Veal Peri Hagefen, Veal Hapeiros. Baruch Ata Hashem Al Peri Hagafen, ViHapeiros[10].”


Ate fruits of seven Minim, and Mezonos:[11]

He is first to recite Al Hamichya [on the Mezonos] and then on the fruits. Accordingly, the Nussach is to be said as follows “Al Hamichya, Veal Hakalkala, Veal Haeitz Veal Peri Haeitz, Veal Tenuvas Hasadeh, Veal Eretz Chemda etc[12] and he is then to conclude “Venodeh Lecha Al Haretz Veal Hamichya Veal Hapeiros. Baruch Ata Hashem Al Haretz Veal Hamichya Veal Hapeiros[13].”


What is the law if one mentioned one of the foods only in the beginning or only in the end of Meiyn Shalosh?[14]

Ø  Example: One ate Mezonos and drank wine and said Al Hamichya, without saying Veal Hagefen, and in the conclusion, he remembered and said Al Hamichya Veal Hagefen?

If one did not mention one of the foods he ate in the beginning of the blessing, but mentioned it [anywhere] in the conclusion, he nevertheless fulfills his obligation.[15] The same applies vice versa, if it was mentioned in the beginning but not in the conclusion.[16]

What to do initially if remembered in middle: If one remembered prior to saying “Baruch Ata Hashem” in the concluding blessing that he did not say one of the dialects in the beginning of the blessing, he is to retract and repeat from the area of the mistake.[17] If he only remembered after saying Baruch Ata Hashem, it is best to conclude the blessing with only the dialect that he began, and then repeat Meiyn Shalosh for the food that was not included.[18] This however is with exception to one who ate Mezonos and dates/wine and only said Al Hamichya in the beginning of the blessing, in which case he is to conclude also with Al Hapeiros/Hagefen if he remembers.[19]

What is the law if one did not mention one of the foods in Meiyn Shalosh?[20]

Ø  Example: One ate Mezonos and olives and said Al Hamichya, without saying Veal Hapeiros, what is he to do?

If one did not mention one of the foods he ate neither in the beginning or end of the blessing, then he does not fulfill his obligation of that food [i.e. fruits] and is to repeat Meiyn Shalosh for the sake of that food [i.e. Al Hapeiros].

Ate Mezonos and dates or wine: If one ate Mezonos and dates or wine, and only mentioned Al Hamichya in Meiyn Shalosh, some Poskim[21] rule he does not fulfill his obligation of Al Hagefen or Al Hapeiros. Other Poskim[22] however rule he does fulfill his obligation.

Ate wine and grapes or raisins: This follows the same dispute as the previous case.


[1] Siddur Admur; Seder 1:13; Luach 1:11; Michaber 208:12; Tur 208 in name of Bahag; Tosafus Brachos 44a in name of Rabbeinu Chananel; Rashba Brachos ibid in name of Rav Haiy Gaon; Rosh Brachos 6:42; Rambam Brachos 8:15

[2] Poskim ibid; Elya Raba 208

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one is to conclude Al Hamichya Veal Hapeiros and not mention the wine, as it is anyways included in Al Hapeiros. [M”A 208:20 in name of Mordechai]

[3] See Seder 10:13 that this is the correct order of Chashivus

[4] Soo is Nussach in Siddur; In Seder and Luach ibid there is no Vav.

[5] This is said prior to the concluding blessing in order to have Meiyn Chasima Samuch Lechasima. [Tur ibid]

[6] So is the Nussach in Siddur, Seder and Luach; however, some Poskim write “Al Hapeiros” [See Tosafus ibid, Rosh ibid, Tur and Michaber ibid] See Hiskashrus 604 for explanation of Nussach of Admur, and that he is suspecting for the opinion that one says for wine the conclusion of Al Hapeiros.

[7] There is no issue over the fact he is concluding the blessing with two different matters, as in truth it is all one matter, as it is the earth who brings forth the wine and fruits. [Tosafus ibid]

[8] Sefer Haminhagim p. 23

[9] See Seder 10:13 that this is the correct order of Chashivus

[10] So is the Nussach in Siddur, Seder and Luach; however some Poskim write “Al Hapeiros” [See Tosafus ibid, Rosh ibid, Tur and Michaber ibid] See Hiskashrus 604 for explanation of Nussach of Admur

[11] Gloss of Rav Elyashvili on Seder ibid

[12] This is said prior to the concluding blessing in order to have Meiyn Chasima Samuch Lechasima. [Tur ibid]

[13] In this case he is to conclude Veal Hapeiros rather than Vehapeiros, as the conclusion of Ve is only relevant when one drank wine.

[14] Piskeiy Teshuvos 208:19

[15] Sdei Chemed Mareches Brachos 1:20; Mishnhe Sachir 37; Shevet Halevi 3:18; based on ruling in Poskim regarding one who forgot to mention Shabbos in Yom Tov Shemoneh Esrei that he is Yotzei if Shabbos was mentioned anywhere in the blessing. [See Michaber 489:1; Admur 487]

[16] Piskeiy Tehsuvos ibid footnote 155

[17] Maharshag 1:53; Ashel Avraham Butchach 208; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid

[18] Sdei Chemed Brachos 1:20; Ashel Avraham Butchach; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 208 footnote 157

[19] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid; Se next Q&A!

[20] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 208:19

[21] Rav Poalim 2:32; Har Tzevi 1:105; Minchas Shlomo 1:91-6; Cheshev Haeifod 3:43

The reason: This applies even according to those opinions who rule that Al Hamichya fulfills the obligation of wine and dates [see Luach 1:17; Omitted in Admur Seder 1:18] and that Al Hapeiros fulfills the obligation of wine [See Seder 1:14; Ketzos Hashulchan 60 footnote 6], as even when one is Yotzei Bedieved with the wrong Nussach, he is only Yotzei if he had in mind to do so for that food. However, here, his intent was to be Yotzei the food he ate and accidently forgot to add the extra Nusach for the other food, therefore he is not Yotzei even according to the above opinions. [See Admur Seder 1:6 and 15]

[22] P”M Pesicha Brachos 10; Kaf Hachaim 208:76; Beir Moshe 4:20; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 2:147; Rivivos Efraim 8:72; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid

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