Tachanun on day of Hachnasas Sefer Torah Hakelali Leyaldei Yisrael

Tachanun on day of Hachnasas Sefer Torah Hakelali Leyaldei Yisrael

  1. Question:

Should Tachanun be recited in Chabad shuls in Eretz Yisrael on the day of the Hachansas Sefer Torah Hakelali Liyaldei Yisrael. The actual celebration and Hachnsa will take place by the Kosel Hamaravi, however, it will be attended by Anash from all over Israel and hence I would like to know if it should be said?


In my opinion, it should not be said in any shul of Anash in Israel in which people from the Minyan will be attending the Hachansas Sefer Torah, either personally, or through household members.

Explanation: The idea of omitting Tachanun on the day of a Hachnasas Sefer Torah is not recorded in the Shulchan Aruch and Poskim, and is rather a tradition of certain communities. Some communities do not omit Tachanun at all, while others only omit it by the prayer of Mincha, while others omit it the entire day. Practically, the Rebbe Rayatz states in a letter that the custom is for it to be omitted throughout the day. This is due to the great joy that is felt by the members of the city in which the celebration is taking place. Now, regarding the general Sefer Torah that is written on behalf of all children of Israel as initiated and promoted by the Rebbe, and was held very dear to him, it would seem that its celebration and joy is not limited to the members of the specific city in which the celebration is taking place, but rather expands to all of Anash in Israel who will be attending the celebration and rejoicing in it, and is hence a celebration of all of Anash in Eretz Yisrael. Accordingly, it seems obvious to me that Tachanun should be omitted in all Shuls of Anash on this day. If however, for whatever reason no one from a certain Minyan will be participating in the celebration, and the joy of the celebration is not felt by those present, then it should not be omitted.


Sources: See Peri Hasadeh 3:184; Chasan Sofer Tefila 84; Yeishiv Moshe 338; Igros Kodesh Rayatz 6:71; Rivivos Efraim 5:176; Betzel Hachochma 3:5; Yalkut Yosef 131:34; Piskeiy Teshuvos 131:24; Nitei Gavriel 10:1

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