Importance of learning Torah at night:[1]
It is a Biblical Mitzvah and command to learn Torah both by day and night.[2] Furthermore, one must be careful in his Torah study at night even more than during the day, and one who is not careful in this, his punishment is great.[3]
Fire consumes:[4] Any home from which words of Torah are not heard from at night, a flame consumes it.
Summer versus winter nights:[5] Even during the [short] nights of Tekufas Tamuz [the summer] one is to learn for some part of the night [and sleep the rest[6]].[7] Starting from the 15th of Av [when the nights become longer], one is to increase little by little the amount of Torah he learns [at night]. However, one who does not add in Torah, will have his days shortened.[8]
Acquiring wisdom:[9] Although it is a Mitzvah to learn Torah both by day and night, most of one’s wisdom is attained specifically through learning Torah at night. [This is due to several factors: 1) At night one is able to learn Torah in tranquility without disturbances. 2) At night, there is a special Segula that the quality of one’s attachment to Hashem through learning Torah is greater than the quality of attachment experienced during the day’s learning.[10]]
Meriting Keser Torah:[11] One who desires to merit the level of Keser Torah, must be careful [to learn Torah] on all of his nights, and is not to lose even one of them in sleeping, eating, drinking and talking and the like, and is rather to study Torah. [Meriting Keser Torah refers to meriting Dveikus with Hashem through one’s learning.]
Meriting the song of Torah:[12] The Sages[13] taught that the [spiritual effect of the] song of Torah is applicable only at night.[14]
Meriting Chut Shel Chesed:[15] Whoever learns Torah at night a “string of kindness” is drawn upon him that day.[16]
Called Eved Hashem:[17] One who learns Torah at night is called a servant of G-d.[18]
Time of appeasement above and merits the Shechina:[19] Anyone who learns Torah at night merits the Shechinah to reside opposite him.[20]
Summary: One is Biblically required to learn Torah also at night. One must be careful in his Torah study at night even more than during the day, and one who is not careful in this, his punishment is great. Any home from which words of Torah are not heard from at night, a flame consumes it. Even during the summer nights one is to learn Torah. Starting from the 15th of Av, one is to increase little by little the amount of Torah he learns [at night].
The greatness of the Torah learning at night: 1. Most of one’s wisdom is attained specifically through learning Torah at night, as at night one is able to learn Torah in tranquility without disturbances. 2. At night, there is a special Segula that the quality of one’s attachment to Hashem through learning Torah is greater than the quality of attachment experienced during the day’s learning. 3. One merits the level of Keser Torah if he is careful [to learn Torah] on all of his nights. 4. The spiritual effect of the song of Torah is applicable only at night. 5. A “string of kindness” is drawn upon him that day. 6. He is called a servant of G-d. 7. The Shechinah to resides opposite him. |
[1] Based on Admur Hilchos Talmud Torah 4:8; Basra 1:3; 155:1; Michaber O.C. 237:1; Y.D. 246:23-24
[2] Admur ibid 4:6; 3:4; 155:1; Tur 246; Rambam 3:13
The reason: As the verse states “Vehigisa Bo Yomam Valayla.” [Admur ibid]
[3] Michaber 237:1; Eiruvin 18b
[4] Admur ibid; Michaber 246:24; Rambam ibid; Sanhedrin 92a
[5] Admur ibid
[6] Shach 246:25; See M”A 238
[7] Admur ibid; Shach 246:25; Perisha 246:52
[8] Admur ibid; Rama 246:23; Taanis 31a; Bava Basra 121a-b; Shach 246:26; See Michaber 238:1 “greatly punished”; Likkutei Sichos 35 p. 41
[9] Admur ibid; Rama 246:23; Tur ibid; Rambam ibid
[10] Likkutei Sichos 34 p. 43
[11] Admur ibid; Michaber 246:23; Rambam ibid; Reish Lakish Eiruvin 65a; See Likkutei Sichos 34 p. 43
[12] Admur ibid
[13] Shemos Raba 47:5; Vayikra Raba 19:1; Rambam ibid; Tur ibid
[14] The reason: As the verse [Eicha 2:19] states “Kumi Runi Balayala/Get up and praise me at night.” [Admur ibid]
[15] Admur ibid; Basra 1:3; Chagiga 12b; Avoda Zara 3b; Rambam ibid
[16] The reason: As the verse [Tehillim 42:9] states “Yomam Yetzaveh Hashem Chasdo Ubalayla Shira Imi.” [Admur Basra ibid]
[17] Basra 1:3; Zohar 1 136; 3:13
[18] The reason: As the verse [Tehillim 134:1] states “Kol Avdei Hashem Haomdim Biveis Hashem Baleilos.” [Admur Basra ibid]
[19] Basra 1:3; Tamid 32b
[20] The reason: As the verse [Eicha 2:19] states “Kumi Runi Balayala Lerosh Ashmuros Shifchi Kamayim Libeich Nocach Pnei Hashem/Get up and praise me at night, pour your heart opposite my countenance.” This means to say that the Shechina is resting by him. [Admur ibid]
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