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Sheasani Kiritzono:[1]
Women are accustomed to recite the blessing of “Sheasani Keritzono/That He made me according to his will” [in the place of the blessing of “Shelo Asani Isha”].[2] [See below regarding the Chabad custom in his matter. According to all it is completely forbidden for a woman to say Shelo Asani Isha.[3]]
Q&A Is it the Chabad custom for women to recite the blessing of “Sheasani Kiritzono”?[4] The widespread custom amongst Chabad women is not to say the blessing of Sheasani Kiritzono, and hence there is no blessing said in the place of “Shelo Asani Isha“. However there are some Chabad women of elder Chabad lineage who are accustomed to say the blessing of Sheasani Keritzono based on a tradition that they received. Shelo Asani Shifcha:[5] Some women have the custom to recite the blessing of Shelo Asani Shifcha in place of Shelo Asani Aved.[6] [This is not the widespread Chabad custom, however there are some that say it.[7]]
Shelo Asani Goyah: Some women have the custom to recite the blessing of Shelo Asani Goyah in place of Shelo Asani Goy.[8] [This is not the widespread Chabad custom.[9]]
Shelo Asani Biheima:[10] Some have the custom to recite the blessing of Shelo Asani Biheima. This is not the accepted custom.
[1] 46/4; Michaber 46/4; Levush 46/5; Abudarham
Other Opinions: The Peri Chadash 46/4 rules women are not to say this blessing. The Chida rules women are to say it without Hashem’s name, and so rules Ben Ish Chaiy Vayeishev 10; Kaf Hachaim 46/41.
[2] This blessing comes to justify the judgment of G-d upon herself which inherited her with a negative aspect. [ibid; This means to say that despite the negative fact that He did not obligate them to fulfill all of His commands nevertheless they bless Him and thank Him for His judgment.]
[3] Pashut; Koveitz Zalman Shimon p.28
[4] See glosses of Rav Raskin on Siddur; Yagdil Torah 33/50, 34/86, 36/156; Koveitz Zalman Shimon p. 28
The Rebbe was addressed this question and answered that the asker should verify this matter amongst the women of Anash that have a tradition regarding it. [Igros Kodesh 20/63] Rav Zalman Shimon Dworkin writes that the custom amongst women of Anash is to not say the blessing being it was not written by Admur in the Siddur. However he then mentions that there are women also amongst Anash that are accustomed to say it. [Koveitz Zalman Shimon p. 28] The custom of the Beis Rivkah girls school in Crown Heights was to recite this blessing. [see Yagdil Torah 34/86] Rav Pesach Bugomilsky wrote in Yagdil Torah 33/50 against this custom proving that the fact Admur omitted it from the Siddur shows that one is not to say it. Rav Shalom Marazov in Yagdil Torah 34/86 argued that it was the custom amongst the women in his family to say it, and that his family was very close to the family of the Rebbe Rashab, and hence one can assume that the wives of the Rabbeim themselves said it.
[5] The Rebbe was addressed the question of whether women are to recite this blessing and replied that it is dependent on the custom of the community. [Likkutei Sichos 24 p. 410]
[6] Chida in Kesher Gudal 5/22 in name of Achronim; Ashel Avraham Butchach writes that he has not seen in any Sefer that women should say the blessing of Shelo Asani Shifcha instead of Aved. The Yaavetz in his Siddur writes women are to say this blessing without Hashem’s name.
[7] See Koveitz Zalman Shimon p. 28 that mentions this custom [although not amongst Chabad women].
[8] Chida in Kesher Gudal 5/22 in name of Achronim; The Yaavetz in his Siddur writes women are to say this blessing without Hashem’s name.
[9] See Koveitz Zalman Shimon p. 28 that mentions this custom [although not amongst Chabad women].
[10] The mother of the Terumas Hadeshen was accustomed to say “Shelo Asani Biheima”. [Koveitz Zalman Shimon p. 28]
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