Will we celebrate Chanukah in Yemos Hamashoach?

  1. Question: [Tuesday, 26th Kisleiv, 5783]

Is it true that all the holidays will be nullified in the future era except for Chanukah and Purim? Is there a source for this?


The Sages state that in the future era, all the Holidays will be nullified with exception to Purim and Chanukah. This, however, does not mean that the other Holidays will not be in existence, but rather that the G-dly revelation in the times of the redemption will make the revelation of these Holidays unapparent. However, the revelation of Purim and Chanukah is so great that it will even shine within the light experienced by the redemption.

Explanation: It is recorded in numerous places in the Midrash that all of the holidays will be nullified in the future with exception to the holiday of Purim. In Chassidus [Torah Or, Rebbe’s Sichas etc etc] it is explained that this is not, God forbid, to be taken literal, as all of the Mitzvos and holidays in the Torah are eternal, and rather it means as explained above that the G-dly revelation in the times of the redemption will make the revelation of these Holidays be unapparent. This is with exception to Purim whose revelation is so great that it will even shine within the light experienced by the redemption. Now, regarding Chanukah, the above Midrashim make no mention of it, hence implying that Chanukah will be nullified in the future, and so writes the Ben Ish Chaiy that we will no longer light Chanukah candles after Moshiach comes. However, we find many Sefarim who record that also Chanukah will not be nullified in the future, seemingly based on the Midrash which states regarding Aaron that the Menorah is eternal, and the Ramban explains this to refer to the Chanukah candles. The Rebbe quotes this approach in various talks, assuming that Chanukah has the same status as Purim in this regard.

Sources: See regarding all the Holidays being nullified with exception to Purim: Midrash Mishley 9; Yalkut Shimoni Mishleiy 944; Pirkeiy Direbbe Eliezer 46; Rashba 1:93;  See regarding Chanukah: Midrash Raba 15:6; Tanchuma 5; Ramban Behalosecha ibid;  Igeres Hatiyul Drush 40; Hachaim 3:287; Manos HaLevi Hakdama; Maggid Meisharim Parshas Vayakhel [of Maggid of Beis Yosef]; Atezeres Zekeinim 676 in name of Reb Leib Rofeh, his great grandfather; Rebbe in Shaareiy Moadim Chanukah 51; Likkutei Sichos 5:172; Opinions who write that Chanukah will be nullified in future: Omitted from all Midrashim ibid; Ben Ish Chayil 2 Derush 1 for Shabbos Teshuvah; See Yemos Hamashiach Behalacha [Gerelitzky]

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