Why is a blessing not recited upon building the Sukkah?

1. The Mitzvah of building a Sukkah:[1]

It is a command in the Torah to dwell in a Sukkah throughout the seven days of the Sukkos Holiday. As a result of this command, we are required to build a Sukkah prior to Sukkos in order to fulfill the command when the time arrives, and it is thus considered a Mitzvah to do so.[2] Nonetheless, the building of the Sukkah is only considered a preparatory Mitzvah [i.e. Hechsher Mitzvah] as opposed to a Mitzvah with intrinsic value, as it is built simply for the purpose of later fulfilling the Mitzvah of dwelling in it during the holiday of Sukkos.[3] Accordingly, no blessing is recited upon building the Sukkah, in contrast to the ruling by other Mitzvos in which a blessing is said prior to its fulfillment, as explained next.

Saying a blessing:[4] One who builds a Sukkah does not recite a blessing upon building it. Meaning that a blessing of “Asher Kidishanu Bemitzvosav Vetzivanu Lasos Sukkah” is not recited, even though it is commonly recited upon the fulfillment of other Mitzvos.[5] This applies whether one builds a Sukkah for himself to dwell in it during the festival, or on behalf of others for them to dwell in it during the festival.


[1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 625:1; 640:7

[2] See Admur 625:1 who calls it a Mitzvah “It is a Mitzvah to build..as a Mitzvah that comes to one’s hands..”; 641:1 “The Sukkah is not the completion of the Mitzvah” which implies that nonetheless it is the start of the Mitzvah; Rambam Brachos 11:8 “Any Mitzvah that contains another Mitzvah after doing it.”; See Menachos 42b; Rashi Makos 8a; Yerushalmi Brachos 9:3 that even a blessing is recited; Avnei Nezer O.C. 459 that even according to the Bavli there is a Mitzvah to do so; Emek Sheila on Sheilasos Mitzvah 169; Likkutei Sichos 17 p. 188 footnote 56 that even according to the Bavli there is a Mitzvah to do so; See Mikraeiy Kodesh Sukkos 1:25; Kinyan Torah 3:90; Moadim Uzmanim 1:80; Mishneh Halachos 8:237; 10:72

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that a Hechsher Mitzvah is not considred a Mitzvah at all. [See Chasam Sofer Y.D. 10; Chelkas Yoev 27; Minchas Elazar 4:55]

[3] Admur 641:1 “The building of the Sukkah is not the completion of the Mitzvah, as the main Mitzvah is only fulfilled when when dwells in the Sukkah during the holiday itself”; Chasam Sofer Y.D. 271; Chelkas Yoev 27; Minchas Elazar 4:55; See Menachos 42b; Piskeiy Teshuvos 641:1; So rule regarding Tzitzis: Admur 19:1; Michaber 19:1; Menachos ibid

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that a Hechsher Mitzvah is also considered a Mitzvah in its own right. [Yerushalmi Brachos 9:3; Avnei Nezer O.C. 459 that so agrees also Bavli; See Biur Halacha 656 “Afilu” and Likkutei Sichos ibid]

[4] Admur 641:1; Kunturs Achron 263:3; Michaber 641:1; Rambam Brachos 11:8; Menachos 42b “Laasos Sukkah is not recited”; Sukkos 46a; Tosafus Sukkah 46a; So rule regarding Tzitzis: Admur 19:1; Michaber 19:1; Menachos ibid

Other opinions: The Yerushalmi rules that one is to recite a blessing upon building the Sukkah. [Yerushalmi Brachos 9:3 “One who makes a Sukkah for himself says the blessing of Asher Kidishanu Bemitzvosav Vetzivanu La’asos Sukkah”]

[5] The reason: As the building of the Sukkah is not the completion of the Mitzvah, as the main Mitzvah is only fulfilled when when dwells in the Sukkah during the holiday itself. [Admur ibid and in Kuntrus Achron ibid] Vetzaruch Iyun from Bedikas Chameitz, in which case we a blessing is recited at the time of Bedika even though the Mitzvah is only fulfilled the next day.

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