Which paragraphs of the Shema are obligatory to recite?

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Which paragraphs of the Shema are obligatory to recite?[1]

It is a Biblical command for men to recite Kerias Shema every morning. It is disputed amongst the Poskim regarding which paragraphs of Shema must be said, and if it includes also the paragraph of Veahavta and Vehaya Im Shamoa, or only the sentence of Shema Yisrael. In conclusion, a Baal Nefesh should be stringent upon himself by a Biblical command by whatever is relevant to the different ramifications. Practically, during the Shacharis prayer, we recite three paragraphs of Veahavta, Vehaya and Vayomer.

The paragraph of Vayomer:[2] The paragraph of Vayomer is recited in order to fulfill the Biblical command to remember the Exodus.


[1] See Admur 58:1; 46:1; 46:9; 60:5; 67:1; 128:42

[2] See Admur 59 and 67:1; 70:1 and 4

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