The status of the Khat leave regarding Arla and Teruma Umaasros

The status of the Khat leave regarding Arla and Teruma Umaasros



Is one required to separate Terumos Umaasros from the Khat plant whose leaves are used for chewing and swallowing the juice that comes out upon chewing it. The leaves are then spat out and not actually swallowed. Likewise, is one required to follow the Arla laws regarding this plant?



The khat plant does not need to follow the years of Arla, and its leaves may be chewed as soon as they grow. Likewise, it is not necessary to tithe these leaves, as is the rule regarding all herbs that are not eaten.                                                       


Sources: Ruling of Rav Yosef Kapach and Rav Yitzchak Ratzabi in Beiros Yitzchak 5 Birchas Hapeirs 39 that so is the Yemenite custom See regarding Arla: Nidda 8a; Radbaz 499; 563; Avnei Nezer O.C.66:3; Har Tzevi Zeraim 2:6-2; See regarding Teruma Maaser:  Michaber Y.D. 294:2; Rambam Maaser Sheiyni 9:13; Mishneh Arla 1:7

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