The scriptural source for Hishtadlus – Effort

The source:

It states in Scripture[1] that “Ki Hashem Elokecha Beirachicha Bechol Maaseh Yadecha/G-d will bless you and all of your actions.” Rebbe Eliezer the son of Yaakov states that the end of the verse is teaching us that to receive G-d’s blessing it does not suffice for one to sit and do nothing, and rather if one makes effort then he is blessed, and if not then he is not blessed.[2] Likewise, the verse[3] states “Uveirachicha Hashem Elokecha Bechal Asher Taaseh/And G-d will bless you in all that you do.” The Sifri[4] states that from here we learn the foundation, that it is necessary for one to work and place physical effort into those matters that he places his trust in G-d, in order so the blessing of G-d have the receptacle to which it can befall.


[1] Devarim 2:7

[2] Midrash Socher Tov Tehillim Mizmor 23

[3] Riei 15:18

[4] Sifri Devarim 15:18 “one may think that he can sit and do nothing, hence we are taught that he must do an action”, brought in Likkutei Torah ibid, Derech Mitzvosecha ibid, Igros Kodesh 2:179 and Likkutei Sichos Vol. 18 p. 295

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