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The Punishment [1]
The punishment for one who nullifies the Mitzvah of Tzitzis is very great.[2] On such a person the verse[3] states “I will hold onto the corners of the earth [and shake the Reshaim off from it].” [One who nullifies the Mitzvah of Tzitzis is excommunicated from Heaven.[4]]
[1] 24/8; Michaber 24/6; Menachos 43b; Ketzos Hashulchan 7/12; The Gemara ibid states that one who nullifies the Mitzvah of the white strings of Tzitzis is greater than one who nullifies the Mitzvah of Techeiles of Tzitzis.
[2] Seemingly this refers to one who wears a four cornered garment without Tzitzis, however see Halacha 6 that in times of anger one is punished for not wearing a four cornered garment with Tzitzis. See Admur in Hilchos Talmud Torah 3 KU”A 1 “The punishment for nullifying a Mitzvah even though one is exempt, such as Tzitzis.”
[3] Iyov 38/13
[4] Pesachim 113b; Chesed Lealafim 24/2; Kaf Hachaim 24/23
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