Chapter 4: Shemoneh Esrei Part 1
1. Mishneh 1: Zman Tefila
- Zman Shemoneh Esrei of Shachris: Dispute: Tana Kama: Until Chatzos; Rebbe Yehuda: Until the 4th hour of the day. [Practically, we rule like Rebbe Yehuda that Zman Tefila for Shacharis concludes four Zmaniyos hours into the day.[1] Nevertheless, Bedieved, we one is allowed to Daven Shemoneh Esrei up until Chatzos, even if Zman Tefila has passed.[2]]
- Zman Mincha: Dispute: Tana Kama: Until the nighttime; Rebbe Yehuda: Until Plag Hamincha. [Practically, we rule like the Tana Kama, that Zman Tefila for Mincha concludes with the start of the evening.[3]]
- Zman Maariv: The night prayer of Maariv does not have any end time [and may hence be prayed throughout the night].
- Zman Musaf: Musaf may be Davened throughout the day. However, Rebbe Yehuda is of the opinion that it may only be prayed until the seventh hour of the day [and practically this is how we initially rule that one is to initially pray the Musaf prayer prior to the seventh of the day, although Bedieved it may be prayed until night[4]].
2. Mishneh 2: Prayer before and after learning[5]
- Rebbe Nechunya Ben Hakaneh would pray a short prayer both in his entrance and exit to the study hall. His entrance prayer involved supplicating that he does not stumble on the law, while his exit prayer was one of praise to God for allowing him to have studied the Torah. [Practically, this should especially be recited by Morei Horaa’s[6], although by the main folk, it is no longer the widespread custom to recite it.[7]]
3. Mishneh 3: Should one Daven Shemoneh Esrei daily
- Dispute: Raban Gamliel: One should pray the entire prayer every day. Rebbe Yehoshua: One is only obligated to pray a short version of the prayer daily. Rebbe Akiva: If one is well-versed of the blessings, then he is required to say the entire prayer every day, if not then he is only required to recite a short version of the prayer daily. [The final ruling follows that one is to pray the entire prayer daily unless it is a time of need in which he can say the short prayer of Havineinu.[8]]
4. Mishneh 4: Concentration on Shemoneh Esrei
- Not to Daven out of habit:[9] Rebbe Eliezer says: One who prays out of habit without concentration, then his prayer is not considered a true prayer of supplication.
- Tefila Ketzara:[10] Rebbe Yehoshua states: One who is traveling through a dangerous area is to pray a short prayer. The prayer is “Hosheia Hasheim Es Aemcha….Baruch Ata Hashem Shomeia Tefila. [Practically, we rule that one is to recite “Tzarchei Amecha Merubim….Shomeia Tefila.”[11]]
5. Mishneh 5: Davening while riding on an animal and facing Jerusalem
- Sitting on an animal versus coming down: A person who is riding on a donkey is to go down in order to pray Shemoneh Esrei. If he cannot go down, then he is the pray while on the donkey. [Practically, we do not rule like this Mishneh, and rather rule that one who is riding on a donkey is not required to go down in order to pray.[12]]
- Facing Jerusalem:[13] One who is on a donkey and cannot go down [and the same applies for anyone who prays Shemoneh Esrei] is to at least turn himself around to face [Jerusalem while praying]. If he is not able to turn around to face [Jerusalem] then he is to intend his heart on the holy of holies.
6. Mishneh 6:[14] Davening during travel
- One who is on a ship, or wagon, or canoe[15] [does not need to go down at all, or even turn around his face to Jerusalem[16] and is simply] to intend his heart on the holy of holies. [However, if he is able to stand then he should stand, and if he could face Eretz Yisrael, then he is to do so.[17]]
7. Mishneh 7: Davening Musaf without a Minyan
- Opinion 1: The Tana Kama states in name of Rebbe Elazar Ben Azarya that the prayer of Musaf may only be prayed with a Minyan, and not alone, Beyachid. [This applies whether to a city with a Minyan or a city without a Minyan.[18]]
- Opinion 2: The Sages, however, state that it may be prayed whether with a Minyan or alone. [The final ruling is like this opinion.[19]]
Opinion 3: Rebbe Yehuda states in name of Rebbe Elazar Ben Azarya that the prayer of Musaf is not to be Davened in private if one who lives in a city with a Minyan. [However, if there is no Minyan in one’s city, then one is obligated to Daven Musaf.[20]]
[1] Rambam Tefila 3:1; Michaber 89:1; Admur 89:1
[2] Rambam Tefila 3:1; Michaber 89:1; Admur 89:1-2
[3] Chachamim in Mishneh Brachos 26a and Michaber 233:1, based on Talmidei Rabbeinu Yona on Rif Brachos ibid, that the custom is like Chachamim; See also Shut Admur 7 “And in these generations, many are stringent to Daven Maariv on time”; See Tzemach Tzedek Chidushim on Brachos ibid
[4] Admur 286:2; Michaber 286:1; Brachos 28a
[5] See Admur 110:10; Michaber 110:8; Piskeiy Teshuvos 110:10
[6] See Admur ibid
[7] See Likkutei Sichos 19 p. 44
[8] See Admur 110:1; Michaber 110:1; Rambam Tefila 2:2
[9] See Admur 98:3; Michaber 98:1; Brachos 29b; Mishneh Avos 2:13
[10] See Admur 110:3; Michaber 110:3; Mishneh Brachos 28b
[11] Admur ibid; Michaber ibid; Rav Huna in Brachos 29b
[12] Rebbe Ovadia Bartenura on Mishneh ibid; Rava Brachos 30a; Rambam Tefila 5:2; Tur 94:4; Michaber 94:4; Admur 94:5
The reason: As a person is not able to concentrate when he goes off of his donkey. [ibid]
[13] Mishneh Brachos 4:5; M”A 94:2; Admur 94:5
[14] Mishneh Brachos 28b
[15] See Rebbe Ovadia Bartenura on Mishneh ibid
[16] Rebbe Ovadia Bartenura
[17] Brachos 30a; Rambam Tefila 5:2; Tur 94:4; Michaber 94:4; Admur 94:5
[18] Rebbe Ovadia Bartenura on Mishneh ibid
[19] Rebbe Ovadia Bartenura on Mishneh ibid; Rambam Tefila 1:5; See Admur 286:1-2
[20] Rebbe Ovadia Bartenura on Mishneh ibid
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