The order of the washing: Saying Pesukim, water over lips

The order of the washing:

Pouring the Kos Shel Bracha:[1] The wine for Kos Shel Bracha is poured prior to performing Mayim Achronim.

Saying Pesukim:[2] Prior to washing the hands one recites the verse “Zeh Cheilek Adam Rasha Melokim Vinachals Imru Mikeil” and afterwards one recites the verse “Vayidaber Eilay Zeh Hashulchan Asher Lifneiy Hashem”

Placing the water over the lips: Some Poskim[3]  rule that one is to wipe the water on the lips after washing for Mayim Achronim. Other Poskim[4], however, rule one is not to do so being that the water is impure. Practically, the Chabad custom is to wipe the water on the lips after washing the finger, with exception to the days of Pesach.[5]




Must the water be poured by a person [Koch Adam]?[6]

There is no requirement for the water to be poured by human force.


May one have a Chatzitza on his hands during Mayim Achronim?[7]

Yes. A Chatzitza does not invalidate the washing of Mayim Achronim.



[1] Admur ibid; M”A 181:1; Rabbeinu Yerucham 16:7; Based on Mishneh 51b and Gemara 52b

[2] Siddur Admur; Soles Belula 181:1

Other opinions: Some Poskim negate the recital of these verses, as it can cause the Kelipos to overpower him. [Kaf Hachaim 181:4]

[3] Rashi on Yuma 83b “It is the custom of those who wash Mayim Achronim to clean their lip with the wet hands”; Makor Chaim [Chavos Yair] 181; Hisorerus Teshuvah 1:83 that so was custom of Kesav Sofer; Likkutei Maharich p. 164 that so is custom of some; Shearim Hametzuyanim Behalacha 44:1; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 181:7; Article of Rav Yaakov Chaviv on this subject!

Does the water have impurity: As brought from the Poskim, including Admur 181:2, the water does not receive impurity until it is poured on the ground. There is thus no worry of placing impure water on one’s lips. [Shearim Hametzuyanim Behalacha ibid]

[4] Kaf Hachaim [Falagi] 25:2; Kaf Hachaim 181:1

[5] Hayom Yom 4th Kisleiv; Sefer Haminhagim p. 44

[6] Elya Raba 181:3; Kol Bo 23 in name of Ravaad; Kaf Hachaim 181:10; M”B 181:21

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that the water of Mayim Achronim requires Koch Hadam, and thus must be poured from a vessel. [Shiltei Giborim, brought in Beir Heiytiv 181:8 and Shaar Hatziyon 181:31]

[7] Elya Raba 181:3; Kol Bo 23 in name of Ravaad; Kaf Hachaim 181:10; M”B 181:21

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