Buying a Mayim Achronim set
I was at the Judaica store and purchased a beautiful Mayim Achronim set as a gift for my hosts by whom I stayed over the summer, as I noticed that they didn’t have one. When I gifted it to them, they’re very touched and thanked me for it, although said that I shouldn’t feel ashamed if they don’t use it, because there custom is not to use a fancy vessel for Mayim Achronim. In the end I ended up exchanging it for something else that the family needed. In any event I would like to know what the Halacha really is about this matter? Is there really an issue with having fancy Mayim Achronim sets, and if so then why do they produce them?
It is indeed recorded in Sefarim, including Sichos of the Rebbe Rayatz, that one should not use a silver vessel for Mayim Achronim as we do not desire to give the side of evil their portion in a fancy vessel. Based on this, some are accustomed not to have a beautiful Mayim Achronim set, even if not made of silver. The Rebbe was witnessed to use a plain glass cup for Mayim Achronim. While not forbidden, there is a root behind the custom of not having a designated fancy Mayim Achronim set.
Sources: See Kav Hayashar; Taamei Haminhgaim; Ashel Avraham Butchach Tinyana 181:2; Otzer HaChaim 106 and Darkei Chaim of Tzanz; Sefer Hasichos 1702 p. 92; Minhag Yisrael Torah; Piskeiy Teshuvos 181:13 footnote 18 and 51; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 56:4; Maaseh Melech p. 53
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