Talking between the silent prayer and Chazaras Hashatz:[1]
There is no prohibition at all for the Chazan to make an interval (of matters relating to the prayer and its needs) between the silent Shemoneh Esrei and repetition. (However, it is forbidden to deal with other matters until after Nefilas Apayim, as explained in 131/1.)
[1] Admur 111/3; M”A 111/4; M”B 111/10 in name of P”M that one may only speak for the sake of a Mitzvah; Mor Uketzia 111 that the Chazan is to approximate Geula to Tefila; Kaf Hachaim 53/16 in name of Kesher Gudal 18/21, Beis Oved 10 in name of Gurei Arizal that even the congregation may not speak at all between the silent prayer and Chazaras Hashatz and one who does so transgresses a grave sin; See also M”B 123/18 in name of Achronim that the Chazan is not to speak until after Kaddish Tiskabel, however from Admur ibid it is implied that he may speak starting from after Nefials Apayim; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 123/5
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