Chapter 1: Hashkamas Haboker [Mahadurah Kama]
19 Halachos
Halacha 1: Waking on time[1]
- Emulate a lion- Wake before dawn: One should be strong like a lion to wake up prior to the morning [dawn] in order to serve G-d which is the purpose of his creation, and it is for this reason that your soul was returned.
- Avoiding giving into one’s inclination: One should not allow himself to be persuaded by his inclination which tells him that he did not get enough sleep.
- How to motivate oneself to get out of bed-To think of G-d immediately upon awakening: One should think about who he is lying before and how G-d is constantly standing over him as the verse states “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth states Hashem.” He should contemplate how if he were to lie in the presence of a king of flesh and blood it would be considered a capital offense and even more so here that he is lying before the King of all Kings. He should then contemplate that due to this he should therefore immediately and speedily come out of bed to serve his lofty creator.
- Not to think or speak words of Torah while lying in bed even if one has already washed: One should not learn words of Torah while still lying in his bed, rather he should get up and stand and get dressed as the verse states that one needs to prepare himself properly before Hashem.
Halacha 2: Always contemplate that one is in G-d’s presence[2]
- In all of one’s dealings and actions he is to view himself [in G-d’s constant presence]. Just like one’s speech and actions in front of a king differs from how they would be were he to be alone, so much more so will his actions be different when he realizes that he stands before the king of all kings.
- This realization immediately enters into a person’s heart a constant fear, submission, and bashfulness due to the awe of G-d.
Halacha 3: Dealing with scoffers[3]
- Not to be intimidated by scoffers: One should not allow himself to get intimidated or embarrassed by those who scoff at his service of G-d.
- Answering back to scoffers: Despite the above, one should not answer brazenly towards scoffers [which scoff at his divine service].
Halacha 4: If one cannot awaken before dawn[4]
- If one cannot awaken before morning, then at the very least he should not sleep past the time that the congregation gathers for prayer.
Halacha 5: Modeh Ani:[5]
- Immediately upon awakening it is proper to say Modeh Ani.
- Saying prior to washing: Modeh Ani may be said even prior to washing one’s hands.
Learning Torah before washing[6]
- Verbalizing Torah: It is forbidden to verbalize words of Torah prior to washing hands upon awakening.
- Thinking Torah: One may think words of Torah prior to washing.
Halacha 6: Not to stand immediately upon awakening[7]
- One should not suddenly stand immediately upon awakening, being that one who does so is closer to death than life. Rather one is to wait a little prior to standing.
Halacha 7: Touching clothing and walking prior to washing[8]
- According to Talmud: According to the Talmud and Codifiers one may walk and touch his clothing prior to washing.
- According to Zohar: The Zohar however is very stringent stating that one may not walk even four cubits, and that likewise it is forbidden to touch ones clothing, prior to washing.
- Final ruling: Every G-d fearing Jew is to be stringent like the Zohar and avoid touching clothing, and walking four Amos, prior to washing.
- Washing right away after awakening:[9] Every meticulous person should beware to wash his hands immediately upon awaking [after saying Modeh Ani] even if he plans to remain lying in his bed.
Halacha 8: Tikkun Chatzos[10]
- Awaking before morning: It is proper to awaken before morning and supplicate to Hashem.
- The most auspicious time for this supplication: It is best to awaken at the end of any of one of the three Mishmaros to supplicate before Hashem, as at these times G-d remembers the destruction, and therefore these prayers concerning the Destruction are more accepted.
- Mourning the Temples destruction: It is appropriate for every G‑d-fearing Jew to mourn and supplicate over the destruction of the Temple at the above time.
- Learning the oral Torah? [When one has completed the Tikkun,] he should learn Torah. This Torah study must be done with joy.
- Learning Torah and praying by dawn and dusk: It is proper to connect the day and night through learning Torah and prayer, both by morning and evening.
Halacha 9: How to supplicate
- Quality versus quantity: It is better that one recite a lesser amount of supplication with greater quality concentration, then to recite a larger amount of supplication with lesser quality of concentration.
- This also applies to Torah study.
- Learning Torah versus supplication: A person who has the capability to study Torah should do so rather than supplicate at length, as Torah study is greater than devout prayer.
Halacha 10: Reciting the Akeida, Mun, Aseres Hadibros[11]
- Parshas Akeida: It is proper to recite every day the Parsha of the Akeidah.
- The Mun: It is proper to recite every day the Parsha of the Mun.
- The ten commandments:[12] It is proper to recite every day the Parsha of the Ten Commandments.
- It is however forbidden to read the Ten Commandments aloud daily together with the Minyan.
- It is also forbidden to publish them alone on a piece of paper.
Halacha 11: Reciting Karbanos
- The Karbanos: It is proper to recite every day the paragraphs of the sacrifices of the
- Olah,
- Mincha,
- Shelamim,
- Todah,
- Chatas,
- Asham Vadaiy
- Asham Taluiy,
- Karban Olah and Yored.
- Nesachim: The wine libations [nesachim] paragraph is to be said after reading the Olah, Shelamim and Todah paragraph, however, not after the Chatas and Asham sacrifice.
Halacha 12: Saying Parshas Chatas before Olah
- If one knows that he transgressed a sin that obligates him to bring a Chatas offering, then he should first recite the paragraph of the Chatas and only then recite the Parshas Olah.
Halacha 13: When to recite Karbanos:
- The paragraphs of Karbanos are to only be recited by daytime.
- Parshas Hakiyor: May be recited at night.
- Terumos Hadeshen: May be recited at night.
Halacha 14: Standing by Karbanos
- One needs to stand while saying Karbanos.*
- Mizmor Lesoda: This applies also for Mizmor Lesoda.*
Halacha 15: The Yehi Ratzon prayer by Karbanos
- By voluntary offerings: The Yehi Ratzon supplication prayer, in which one beseeches God to consider it as if he brought the sacrifice, is to be recited after reading the paragraph of all the voluntary offerings which any individual can decide to bring to the temple, such as the Olah, Mincha, Shelamim, and Todah.
- By obligatory offerings: However, the Yehi Ratzon prayer should not be said after reading the paragraphs of the obligatory sacrifices which can only be brought as result of a specific sin such as the Chatas, Asham Vadaiy and Taluiy, Olah Veyoreid.
- Making a stipulation: After the Asham Vadaiy and Taluiy paragraph he may say the Yehi Ratzon with the stipulation that it only count as a sacrifice if he actually became obligated in it due to sin, and if not then it be considered like he is reading verses from the Torah. However, after reading the Chatas paragraph the Yehi Ratzon prayer may not be said even with the stipulation. However, some are accustomed to recite this even after the Chatas paragraph.
Halacha 16: Karbanos and Yehi Ratzon on Shabbos
- On Shabbos and Yom Tov, one may recite the Parshiyos of the Karbanos, although is not recite the Yehi Ratzon prayer.
- Nevertheless, it is preferable that he study that day’s Torah reading, than say the Karbanos, unless he is ignorant and cannot learn.
Halacha 17: Mizmor Lesoda
- The Psalm of Mizmor Lesoda is omitted from the prayers on:
- Erev Pesach
- Chol HaMoed Pesach
- Erev Yom Kippur
Halacha 18: Veshachat Osos
- It is proper to recite the verse of “Veshachat Oso Al Yerech..” upon saying the paragraphs of Karbanos in order to remind God of Akeidas Yitzchak.
Halacha 19: Parshas Hakiyor, Hadeshen, Tamid, Ketores
- Some are accustomed to recite the following paragraphs in the following order:
- Parshas HaKiyor,
- Terumos HaDeshen
- Parshas HaTamid,
- Parshas Mizbeiach Miktar Ketores
- Parshas Samimanei Haketores, which describes the spices for the incense-offering and their preparation.
[1] See our corresponding Sefer “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 2 Halacha 1, 3, 6 for the full details of this subject
[2] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 2 Halacha 3
[3] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 1 Halacha 1A
[4] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 2 Halacha 1
[5] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 2 Halacha 4
[6] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 3 Halacha 3D
[7] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 2 Halacha 1
[8] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 3 Halacha 3D
[9] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 4 Halacha 4
[10] See “Awaking like a Jew” Chapter 2 Halacha 2
[11] See “The Laws of prayer” Chapter 19 Halacha 1-2
[12] See “The Laws of prayer” Chapter 19 Halacha 1-2
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