Chapter 45: Tefillin in a Cemetery & Bathhouse
2 Halachos
Halacha 1: Wearing Tefillin in a cemetery[1]
- Cemetery: It is forbidden to enter a cemetery while wearing tefillin.
- Grave: It is forbidden to approach within four cubits of a a grave while wearing tefillin. Covered Tefillin: If the tefillin are covered then it is permitted to wear them in a cemetery or near a grave.
Halacha 2: Entering a bathhouse with Tefillin:[2]
- Outermost room/Lobby: In the outermost room, where everyone stands fully clothed, one may even initially put on tefillin while there.
- Middle/changing room: In the middle room, where some people are clothed and some are naked, it is forbidden to initially put tefillin on while there, however, one may enter it while wearing Tefillin.*
- Innermost/shower room: In the innermost room where everyone stands naked, it is forbidden to enter wearing Tefillin.
[1] See “The Laws of Tefillin” Chapter 5 Halacha 17
[2] See “The Laws of Tefillin” Chapter 5 Halacha 15 and Chapter 6 Halacha 13
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