Shul, Beis Midrash and other public areas for Chametz-Cleaning for Chametz

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Cleaning and checking a shul, Beis Midrash and other public areas for Chametz:[1]

Shuls and Batei Midrashim need to be cleaned for Chametz, and checked on the night of the 14th with a candle.[2] The Gabaim of the shul are responsible to clean the shul from Chametz. See Chapter 4 Halacha 15 for the detailed laws of Bedikas Chametz in a Shul.


Who is responsible for searching for Chametz in the stairs and lounge of an apartment building?[3]

All the residents have an obligation to search their building for Chametz. The building residents should appoint one person to do so and thus fulfill their obligation.


Who is responsible for cleaning a Yeshiva, or school for Chametz?[4]

The responsibility falls upon the directorship of the institution. If they do not plan on using the premises during Pesach, they can simply include it in the sale to the gentile, and thus avoid the need to clean it out. If, however, it will be made use of during Pesach, then it must be cleaned.


Who is responsible for cleaning a school dormitory from Chametz?

Each student is to clean his room for Chametz, unless the room will not be used during Pesach, and both he and the directorship of the school perform Mechiras Chametz.[5] The remainder of the building is the responsibility of the directorship to clean, as stated in the previous Q&A. Regarding if a student may recite a blessing upon checking for Chametz in his dorm room on the night of the 14th– See Chapter 4 Halacha 4 in Q&A.



[1] 433:36

[2] The reason: Being that children enter Chametz into them throughout the year. [Admur ibid; Furthermore, today, people have Farbrengens and Kiddushim in the Shul and hence it certainly must be cleaned and checked.]

[3] Piskeiy Teshuvos 433:3

[4] See Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:287; Moadim Uzmanim 3:287; Chovas Hadar end of Sefer; Piskeiy Teshuvos 437:3

[5] The reason: It is debated amongst today’s Poskim as to who is responsible for cleaning the dorm rooms for Chametz, and if it’s similar to a rental or not. Some say it is the responsibility of the student, as he pays tuition to stay there. [Piskeiy Teshuvos 437:3] Others say it is the responsibility of the directorship, as they own the place and have the right to move students from one room to another, and it is hence not a true rental. [Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:287; Moadim Uzmanim 3:287; Chovas Hadar end of Sefer] Accordingly, the room may not be left unchecked unless both the student and directorship include it in their sale contract in order to cover all opinions.

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