Paying a substitute Shabbos Baal Korei for his spontaneous reading

Paying the Shabbos Baal Korei for his reading


I was approached on Shabbos morning to read the Torah for a minyan in which the Baal Korei could not make it. I did so, and after Shabbos the Gabaiy paid me for the reading. We never discussed any money and I did not have any intention of asking for payment. Am I allowed to keep the money?



Yes you may, as 1) He was not obligated to pay you, and hence the money can be considered a gift and not payment. 2) Even if considered payment, you can consider it payment for the work you invested on the weekdays of previous years in learning how to read the Torah. 3) Many Poskim rule that it is permitted to receive payment for mitzvah related work on Shabbos. Now, although we do not initially rely on this last reason, practically, in this case we have two other reasons to permit receiving the money, and hence there is no issue whatsoever receive it.

Sources: See regarding the general prohibition of Sechar Shabbos: Admur 243:5 and 11-12; 244:15; 245:2; 246:1 and 13-15; 306:8-9 and 11; 334:7; 526:14; 585:11; Mahadurah Basra on Chapter 243; Michaber and Tur 246:1; 306:4-5; Rama 246:2 and 306:4; M”A 243:1; 246:3; 306:7; Bava Metzia 58a; Rambam Shabbos 6:25; Tosafos Shabbos 19a; Mordechai Shabbos 246; Rosh Shabbos ibid and 23:8; Rabbeinu Yerucham 12:12; Sefer Hateruma 221; Semag L.S. 65; Shibulei Haleket 113; Beis Yosef 243; Tzemach Tzedek O.C. 49:3; Alef Hamagen 585:24; M”B 306:21; Piskeiy Teshuvos 306:6-9 and footnote 66; See regarding the allowance to receive a gift in exchange for voluntary work done on Shabbos: M”B 306:15; Aruch hashulchan 306:12; Halef Lecha Shlomo 132; Orchos Shabbos 22 footnote 151; Shevet Hakehasi 3:106; Piskeiy Teshuvos 306:10 See regarding charging money for the preparation of the reading took place during the week: Aruch Hashulchan 306:12; Toras Shabbos 306:8; Piskeiy Teshuvos 306:9 and footnote 67 See regarding getting paid for mitzvah related work on Shabbos: No: Admur 585:11; First opinion in Admur 306:11; First opinion in Michaber 306:5; Tur 585 in name of Rav Yechiel and Mordechai Kesubos Remez 189; Yes: Second opinion in Admur 306:11 and that so is the custom; Second opinion in Michaber 306:5 and Tur 585; Implication of Michaber 585:5; Mordechai Kesubos Remez 189 in name of Reb Shmuel M”A 585:12; Elya Raba 585:17; Beis Meir; Kaf Hachaim 585:49; No good fortune: Admur 306:11 even in second opinion; Michaber 585:5

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