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Parshas Pinchas
Pesukim: 168 [Siman:לחלק]
Haftorah: Melachim 1 18:46-19:21
Number of Mitzvos: There are a total of six Mitzvos in Parshas Pinchas; Six positive commands and Zero negative commands. The following are the commands in the order listed by the Sefer Hachinuch.
A. Positive:
- Pinchas is blessed with priesthood:
- Hashem said: The vengeance Pinchas took [against Zimri and Kozbi] has calmed my anger and prevented me from destroying the Jewish people in my vengeance. In reward for the above act, Pinchas is granted a covenant of eternal Kehuna/priesthood for him and all his offspring.
- The identification of those slain by Pinchas: The name of the slain Israelite who was slain together with the Midianite woman was Zimri the son of Salu, the head of the tribe of Shimon. The name of the woman was Cozbi the daughter of Tzur, who was the head of the people of Midian.
- Moshe is commanded to take vengeance against the Midianites:
- Hashem commanded Moshe to antagonize the Midianites and destroy them for conspiring against Bnei Yisrael and causing them to stumble with Baal Peor and with Kozbi.
- The Jewish people are counted for the census:
- After the plague, Hashem asked Moshe and Elazar to take a census of the Jewish people. Every [male] person of recruitment age, above age twenty, was counted.
- Reuvein:
- Family descendants: Chanoch; Pallu; Chetzron; Carmi
- Population: 43,730
- Dasan and Aviram-sin of Korach: Palu had a son named Eliav who had three sons named Nemuel, Dasan and Aviram. This is the same Dasan and Aviram who were part of the rebel group led by Korach and were killed by being miraculously swallowed in the ground together with Korach. The other 250 men were consumed by fire. The children of Korach did not die.
- Shimon:
- Family descendants: Nemuel; Yamin; Yachin; Zerach; Shaul
- Population: 22,200
- Gad:
- Family descendants: Tzefon; Chagi; Shuni; Ozni; Eri; Arod; Areili
- Population: 40,500
- Yehuda:
- Family descendants-Died: Er; Onen who died
- Family descendants: Sheila; Peretz; Zerach; Chetzron; Chamul
- Population: 76,500
- Yissachar:
- Family descendants: Tola; Puvah; Yashuv; Shimron
- Population: 64,300
- Zevulun:
- Family descendants: Sered; Eilon; Yachliel
- Population: 60,500
- Yosef-Menasheh:
- Family descendants: Machir; Gilad; Iezer; Chelek; Asriel; Shechem; Shemida; Chefer; Tzelafchad
- Tzelafchad did not have sons. His daughters were named Machla; Noah; Choglah; Milkah; Tirtzah
- Population: 52,700
- Yosef-Ephraim:
- Family descendants: Shuselach; Becher; Tachan; Eran
- Population: 32,500
- Binyamin:
- Family descendants: Bela; Ashbel; Achiram; Shefufam; Chufam; Ard; Naaman
- Population: 45,600
- Dan:
- Family descendants: Shucham
- Population: 64,400
- Asher:
- Family descendants: Yimna; Yishvi; Beriah; Chever; Malkiel. The daughter of Asher was Serach.
- Population: 53,400
- Naftali:
- Family descendants: Yachtziel; Guni; Yeitzer; Shillem
- Population: 45,400
- Total population: 601,730 [and 57 families]
- The fashion in which the land of Israel will be divided:
- The land is to be inherited according to the population [of each tribe or family]. Those of larger population are to receive a larger area, and those of smaller population are to receive a smaller area. The land will be divided based on raffle, in accordance to the tribes/families.
- The tribe of Levi is counted:
- Family descendants: Gershon; Kehos; Merari; Livni; Chevroni; Machli; Mushi; Karchi. Kehos had Amram, who had Moshe, Aaron and Miriam. Aaron had Nadav, Avihu, Elazar and Isamar. Nadav and Avihu died before Hashem when they brought a foreign fire.
- Population: 23,000 males from the age of one month
- The tribe of Levi was not counted together with the rest of the Jewish people, as they do not receive an inheritance.
- The above population did not include any of the people from the census that was taken in the desert [prior to the sin of the Meraglim], as they all died in the desert, with exception to Kalev and Yehoshua.
- Bnos Tzelafchad
- The daughters of Tzelafchad approached Moshe, Elazar, the leaders, and the entire congregation by the entrance of the Ohel Moed and inquired as to why they will not be receiving an inheritance of land on behalf of their father. Their father did not die as a result of the sin of Korach and rather died due to his own sin, and he did not leave any sons. They demanded to receive their father’s portion of inheritance in place of a son.
- Moshe brought their claim before Hashem.
- Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that the daughters of Tzelafchad are correct and that they are to receive the inheritance from their father.
- Laws of inheritance:
- No son: When a man dies and does not leave a son, the inheritance is to go to the daughter.
- No daughter: If he does not have a daughter, the inheritance is to go to the deceased’s [father, and if his father is not alive then it is to go to his] brothers.
- No brother: If he does not have a brother, the inheritance is to go to the deceased’s [grandfather and if his grandfather is not alive then it is to go to his] uncle from his father.
- No uncle: If he does not have an uncle from his father, the inheritance is to go to his closest relative.
- Moshe looks at the land of Israel:
- Moshe is told by Hashem to ascend Har Havarim and look at the view of Eretz Yisrael. Moshe is told that he will pass away as did Aaron his brother and will not enter Eretz Yisrael due to the sin committed by Mei Meriva.
- Yehoshua is appointed leader after Moshe:
- Moshe asks Hashem to appoint someone over the Jewish people after his passing, so they are not like sheep without a shepherd. Hashem told Moshe to take Yehoshua Ben Nun and lean his hands on him and appoint him as leader in front of Elazar and in front of all the Jewish people. You shall place your splendor onto him, so that all the Bnei Yisrael will listen to him. Yehoshua shall stand before Elazar the Kohen and ask him through the Urim Vetumim, and according to his reply they shall follow.
- Moshe did as he was instructed by Hashem and positioned Yehoshua before Elazar the Kohen, and before the entire congregation, and he leaned his hands on him.
- The Tamid sacrifice:
- Hashem told Moshe to command Bnei Yisrael and tell them to offer two male lambs, every day as a Tamid sacrifice. One sacrifice is to be offered in the morning and the second in the afternoon.
- The Mincha and Nesachim: A Mincha offering of 1/10th of an Ephah of flour mixed with ¼ of a Hin of oil is to be brought with the animal. A wine libation of ¼ of a Hin is to be brought per lamb.
- The Shabbos sacrifice:
- On Shabbos you are to offer two male lambs in their first year of age.
- The Mincha and Nesachim: A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought with the animal. A wine libation is to be brought with the animal.
- This is in addition to the Tamid sacrifice.
- The Rosh Chodesh sacrifice:
- On Rosh Chodesh you are to offer two young bulls, one ram, and seven unblemished lambs within their first year. One goat is to be offered as a Chatas for Hashem. This sacrifice is in addition to the Tamid sacrifice.
- The Mincha and Nesachim: A Mincha offering of 3/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each bull. A wine libation of 1/2 of a Hin is to be brought for the bull. A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the ram. A wine libation of 1/3 of a Hin is to be brought for the ram. A Mincha offering of 1/10th of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each lamb. A wine libation of 1/4 of a Hin is to be brought per lamb.
- The festival of Pesach:
- The date: On the 14th day of the 1st month is a Pesach for Hashem. On the 15th day of the month is a festival. One is to eat Matzah for seven days.
- Melacha: One is not to do Melacha on the first day and seventh day.
- The Karbanos: On each of the seven days of Pesach you are to offer as an Olah two young bulls, one ram and seven unblemished male lambs within their first year. One goat is to be offered as a Chatas to atone for you. This sacrifice is in addition to the Tamid sacrifice.
- The Mincha: A Mincha offering of 3/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each bull. A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the ram. A Mincha offering of 1/10th of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each sheep. A wine libation is to be brought individually with the animal.
- The festival of Shavuos:
- On the day of the Bikurim, First Fruits, when the new Mincha offering is brought, one is not to do Melacha.
- The Karban: On Shavuos you are to offer as an Olah offering two young bulls, one ram and seven male lambs within their first year. One male goat is to be offered as a Chatas to atone for you. This sacrifice is in addition to the Tamid sacrifice.
- The Mincha: A Mincha offering of 3/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each bull. A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the ram. A Mincha offering of 1/10th of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each lamb. A wine libation is to be brought individually with the animal.
- Rosh Hashanah
- On the 1st day of the seventh month one is not to do Melacha. It is a day of Shofar blowing for you.
- The Karbanos: On Rosh Hashanah you are to offer as an Olah offering one young bull, one ram and seven male lambs within their first year. One male goat is to be offered as a Chatas to atone for you. This sacrifice is in addition to the Rosh Chodesh and Tamid sacrifice.
- The Mincha: A Mincha offering of 3/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the bull. A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the ram. A Mincha offering of 1/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each lamb. A wine libation is to be brought individually with the animal.
- Yom Kippur
- On the 10th day of the seventh month one is to oppress his soul and is not to do Melacha.
- The Karbanos: On Yom Kippur you are to offer as an Olah offering one young bull, one ram, and seven male lambs. One goat is to be offered as a Chatas. This is in addition to the Yom Kippur Chatas and Tamid sacrifice.
- The Mincha: A Mincha offering of 3/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the bull. A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the ram. A Mincha offering of 1/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each lamb. A wine libation is to be brought individually with the animal.
- The festival of Sukkos:
- On the 15th day of the seventh month one is not to do Melacha. One is to celebrate a festival for G-d for seven days.
- The Karbanos: On Sukkos, on the first day you are to offer as an Olah offering 13 young bulls, 2 rams and 14 male lambs in their first year. On the second day of Sukkos you are to offer as an Olah offering 12 bulls, 2 rams and 14 male lambs in their first year and so on and so forth each day of Sukkos diminishing one cow, until on the seventh day of Sukkos you offer 7 young bulls, 2 rams and 14 male lambs in their first year. On each day one he-goat is to be offered as a Chatas. This is in addition to the daily Tamid sacrifice.
- The Mincha: A Mincha offering of 3/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each of the bulls. A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each of the two rams. A Mincha offering of 1/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each of the 14 lambs. A wine libation is to be brought individually with the animal.
- Shemini Atzeres:
- On the 8th day one is not to do Melacha.
- The Karban: On Shemini Atzeres, one is to offer as an Olah offering one cow, one ram and seven unblemished male lambs within their first year.
- The Mincha: A Mincha offering of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each animal. A wine libation is to be brought individually with the animal. One goat is to be offered as a Chatas. This is in addition to the Tamid sacrifice.
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