Moving a Muktzah item with a shinuiy [i.e. unusual manner]-Part 2-Definition of Shinuiy

Moving a Muktzah item with a shinuiy-Part 2-Examples of unusual manners of moving Muktzah:

As explained in part one of this Halacha, all Muktzah objects are permitted to be moved in an unusual manner (shinui), which is defined as moving it with any body part other than one’s hands. The following are defined as unusual manners of moving and may thus be used to move all Muktzah items on Shabbos for any purpose:

  1. It is permitted to move Muktzah with one’s body.[1]
  2. It is permitted to move Muktzah with one’s feet while walking.[2]
  3. It is permitted to move Muktzah with one’s elbow, and the like.[3]
  4. It is permitted to move Muktzah by blowing it [although not for the sake of separating it from another item due to the Borer prohibition].[4]
  5. It is permitted to move Muktzah by holding it with the back of one’s hand.[5]


All Muktzah objects are permitted to be moved in an unusual manner (shinui), which is defined as moving it with any body part other than one’s hands. Thus, one may move Muktzah with one’s feet, elbow, back of hands, body, and by blowing it. It is permitted to move Muktzah with a Shinuiy for any purpose, even to save the item from damage, and certainly for the sake of freeing up the space that the Muktzah is on. Nonetheless, even with a Shinuiy, it is forbidden to delay or hold the Muktzah without limit and one must put it down as soon as he reaches his destination.


Q&A on the definition of an irregularity?

Is carrying an item with one hand, if it usually requires two hands, an irregularity?[6]

Yes[7], and this may be done for all Muktzah objects of the sort. However, there are Poskim[8] which argue on this ruling.

Is carrying an item with two people, if usually it can be carried alone, considered an irregularity?[9]

Yes[10], and this may be done for all Muktzah objects of the sort. However, there are Poskim[11] which argue on this ruling.


[1] Admur 308:15 “However, it is permitted to move it with one’s body.”  and 311:15 “All the above [mentioned Muktzah restrictions] refer to when moving the [Muktzah item] with one’s hands …., however, to move the Muktzah item with one’s body, without ones hands, is allowed to be done even if he is doing so for the sake of the forbidden item.”

[2] Admur 308:15 Therefore it is permitted to move a Muktzah [item] with ones feet, to move it from one place to another while he is walking.”; M”A 308:7; M”B 308:13 “to prevent loss” and 308:29

[3] Admur 276:9-10 “Every Muktzah [item] is allowed to be moved through moving it from the side …………….such as [moving it] with the back of one’s hands or between one’s elbows  and the like. And if one were to move it through moving his body, such as through [holding it] with the back of his hands, or between his elbows and cases of the like, then he is allowed to move it even to prevent it from getting stolen”; M”B 276:31

Other Opinions: In Daas Torah [311:8] he brings proof to forbid moving Muktzah in this method.

[4] Admur 308:15 “Certainly there is no need to mention that it is permitted to move a Muktzah [item] through blowing [it] as there is no greater irregularity then this.”; Michaber 308:43; Rama 308 3

[5] Admur 276:10 “And if one were to move it through moving his body, such as through [holding it] with the back of his hands, or between his elbows and cases of the like, then he is allowed to move it even to prevent it from getting stolen.”

[6] Piskeiy Teshuvos 308:7

[7] Tosefes Shabbos; See also Admur in 312:12 that one needs to hold the wiping stone with an irregularity which is defined as two fingers in contrast to one hand

[8] Az Nidbaru 5:25

[9] Piskeiy Teshuvos 308:7

[10] Tosefes Shabbos

[11] Az Nidbaru 5:25

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